Survey Questions {Stolen from BangingYongguk}

1. How old will you be in 5 years?: 18

2. Who did you spend at least two hours a day with today?: My sister

3. How tall are you?: 152

4. What do you forward to the most in the next six weeks?: My Korea trip :))

5. What's the last movie you saw?: Rise of the Guardians(With NaNa Unni and Maknae NiNi) XD

6. Who was the last person you called?: My mum

7. Who was the last person to call you: My mum :)

8. What was the last text message you received?: Too lazy to type's asking about math hw :P

9. Who was the last person to call you?: Repeated? Well, my mum

10. Do you prefer to call of text?: Text :)

11. What were you doing at 12am last night?: Talking to my sis

12. Are your parents married/separated/divorced?:  Married <3

13. When is the last time you saw your mom?: My grandma house

14. What colors are your eyes?:  Dark brown

15. Do you own slippers?: Duh

16. What are you wearing right now?: Pink checked shorts with a red shirt that says: "Don't talk to strangers" XD

17. What is your favorite Christmas song?: Red-nose reindeer?

18. Where is your favorite place to be?: No fave place :(

19. Where is your least favorite place to be?: the hall during a long assembly :P

20. Africa-New Zealand-Japan?: Japan?

21: Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?: University? Or maybe graduated

22: Do you tan or burn?: Tan

23: What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?:  Ghosts! XD Woo~

24. What was the last thing that really made you laugh?: Eh...I laughed but...what did I laugh at? Pink panther?

25. How many TV's do you have in your house?: One :(

26. When did you last get into an argument?: Yesterday night

27. Do you have a laptop or a desktop?: Laptop

28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on?: With clothes on! ><

29. What color are your walls?: Light green. Bad enough.

30. How many pillows do you sleep with: Two :)

31. What is your favorite season?: Winter! Too bad no winter here :'(

32. What do you like about fall?: The leaves :)

33. What do you like about winter?: The snow! XD

34. What do you like about the summer?: Going swimming :))

35. What do you like about spring?: Flowers :)

36. How many states have you lived in?: One ;)

37. What state have you lived in?: -

38. Do you prefer shoes, socks or bare feet?: Shoes

39. Are you a social person?: Not really

40. What was the last thing you ate?: Porridge

41. Have you tried escargo?: No way will I eat that

42. What is your favorite ice cream?: Cookies and Cream :")

43. What is your favorite dessert?: Ice Cream~

44. Have you drank a Shirley Temple?: What's that?

45. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich?: I have never eaten that kind O.o

46. Do you like chinese food?: Yep!

47. Do you like coffee?: Okay...

48. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average?: I don't know ><

49. What do you drink in the morning?: Water ;)

50. How often do you take a shower?: Once a day, no more, no less.

51: Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?: Nah

52: Do you know how to play poker?: Nope


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