Hopefully the last one for tonight...

Time started: 9:00 PM



: Female.


Birthday: December 14 (!!!)


Siblings: 3 brothers and two step-sisters


Eye color: Dark, dark brown.


Shoe size: 8


Height: 5 feet 5 and a half inches.


What are you wearing: Same thing I was wearing in the last survey


Where do you live: America.


Righty or lefty: I use my right hand for somethings and my left hand for others


Who are your closest friends: Abbie, Sarah, Megan...


Best place for a date?: Hmm.. I don't know. The beach!


Where is your fav place to shop: Hollister, Abercrombie, American Eagle...


Favorite kind of plant: Tulip!


Fave Color(s): Purple!...and yellow..


Fave Number: Eight


Fave Boys Name: Don't know.


Fave Girls Name: No idea. I really like Anne Marie...


Fave Sport: Gymnastics!


Fave month: December.


Movies: Probably Clueless.


Juice: Apple.


Finger: I don't know.. haha.


Breakfast food: Water.. I don't like eating in the morning.


Favorite cartoon character: Phineas and Ferb!


Given anyone a bath: These kids I babysat...


Smoked: Second hand.. totally not my fault.


Made yourself throw-up: Nope.


Gone skinny dipping: Nah brah.


Eaten a dog: No.


Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: No. That's stupid.


Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Nope


Broken a bone?: No.


Played truth or dare: Uh, YEAH.


Been in a physical fight: Nope.


Been in a police car: Nope.


Been on a plane: Yeah.


Come close to dying: Don't think so.


Been in a sauna: Yep!


Been in a hot tub: Yes!


Cried when someone died:  Yes. <3


Cried in school: Never


Fell off your chair: Yup. All the time,


Wait for someone's phone call all night: No.


Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: Nope


Saved e-mails: Uh, yeah. A ton of people do.


Fallen for one of your best friends: Nopeee.


Made out with JUST a friend?: Heck no.


Used someone: Depends on what situation of using someone you're implying.



What is ...


What's your good luck charm? My gold ring from my dad for my 13th birthday. 


Best song you ever heard: Roh Ji Hoon! Totally kidding.. but that's what I'm listening to right now.


What's your bedroom like: Awesome.


Last thing you said: "Who is that present for?" Haha.


What is beside you?: To my left my bathroom door and to my right is all of my homework that I have to do.


Last thing you ate: Apple.


What kind of shampoo do you use?: Not sure.. Matrix


Best thing that has happened to you this year: Going to Singapore and Thailand.


Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Not sure.... leaving Singapore and Thailand.



Have you had ...


Chicken pox: Yep


Sore Throat: Yes.


Stitches: Nope... Thankfully.


Broken nose: No, and I don't want one.



Do You...


Believe in love at first sight: No... That stuff is so childish.


Like school: Eh sometimes.


What schools have you gone to: Many different schools...


Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: ...People do that? Never


If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Roh Ji Hoon... hehe...


Who was the last person that called you: Mi padre! (dad)


Who was the last person you slow danced with: Not sure.


What makes you laugh the most?: B.A.P's English... Or MBLAQ's random dance... OR the way whenever Sunggyu (Infinite) dances for shoes or the camera when it's not a practice or prefomance he fails! I love them all <3  Oh and Mir's Engrish (:


What makes you smile? KPOP! And Dongwoo's laugh! :) And Roh Ji Hoon.. hehe...



Last Person ...


You yelled at: Hmm.. My brother I believe


Who broke your heart: Nobody I can recall


Told you that they love you: Haha my step-mom...


Is your loudest friend: Abbie!



Do You/Are You:


Do you like filling these out?: Sure, when I'm bored! That's why I'm here...


Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses


Do you like yourself: I never meet my own expectations...


Do you get along with your family: Yes


Stolen anything over $50: Never


Obsessive Compulsive?: Yes


Anorexic?: No...


Suicidal?: Nope



Final questions:


What are you listening to right now? 2am I wonder if you hurt like me... I LOVE IT! I know them because of Dream High 2 haha.


What did you do yesterday: I think I was on twitter all day.. haha. And attempted to do homework


Have you hated someone in your family: Yeah..


Got any awards: Yep


What car do you wish to have: My dad's nissan Z!


Where do you want to get married: I don't care.


If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: Everything.


Good driver: Yes.


Good Singer: Hell nah.


Have a lava lamp: I used to.


How many remote controls are in your house: I have like five million for our TVs.


Are you double jointed: Yeah.. thanks to a stupid disorder I have.


What do you dream about: I don't remember.


Last time you showered: Like, a few hours ago.


Last time you took a bath: When I was like, six?


Scary or happy movies: Scary!


Chocolate or white chocolate: Chocolate


Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Dr. Pepper.


Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O!


Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla.


Summer or winter: WINTER.


Silver or Gold: Gold.


Diamond or pearl: Diamond


Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset!


Sprite or 7up: Sprite. Definitely.


Cats or dogs: Cat


Coffee or tea: Mocha! Oh that wasn't one of the options... awkward...


Phone or in person: Person


Indoor or outdoor: Indoor. I can't stand the outdoors.



End Time: 9:20 PM


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