Failing at Succeeding, Succeeding at Failing

Oh Hey There~

So regarding the blog title...Well let me explain~

I'm failing at updating this current roleplay that I'm head admin of. Reason why? This will be the second time revamping it and I put a lot of hardworl on the first one. All that hardwork gone to waste. So now I'm just contemplating on whether I should still continue to fix it and try to update it and get it going active. With my busy and hectic schedule I just haven't found time to do so yet. OTL Also regarding my fanfics also. Trust me I do want to update them but whenever I try to I just start to lose my muse and get utterly lazy. Which is really bad. *sighs* I'm just really tired nowadays.....


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elaineyysenpai #1
Everyone is all pretty busy, doing the exact same thing as you right now, so don't sweat yourself over it. Once Winter Break comes along with the New Year, that's when people start going onto RPs and reading fanfics anyways. Everyone has these failing moments:) Your muse will come around to you when the time is right~