Well this is going to be long

Hi unnie, sorry I made a blog post about it I just thought it'd be a better idea for some odd reason lol. Anyway so --- aish where do I even start. Oh i got it! 

Okay so I first became an ELF after watching Donghae and Siwon in Extravegent challenge/Skip Beat. Before then I did not like Korean stuff AT ALL I liked Japanese stuff :/. As I got more and more into the two my friend told me they were in a group called Super Junior, something I had heared her speak of before. So I decided to look them up. Thus entered the kpop fan girl in me but it was not yet complete. At first I started out as a Siwonest but I slowly became an E.L.Fish and continuosly looked up a whole bunch of facts a random tid bits about him and the other members. After I had finally finished learning all their names I was searching something up about him (Idk what my memory is a little fuzzy) and google images showed my this picture:


Though I had no clue what it was I clicked on it because, well the drawing resembled doujinshi plus it had Super Junior which had grown to have become my new favorite thing. Once I clicked on it I had arrived at this page. Scrolling down I had found a large body of text, labled chapter one. Unconsiously I had realised it was a fanfic, something I was a bit cautious about because of a time where I had read an anime based on which completly ruined two characters for me (lets just say it was and the little 10 year old me had no clue...and read the whole thing) but yea. I liked the title especially the 'famous idiots' part and I just ended up scrolling through it. I had read this line " “COME DOWN OR I KILL YOU! AIIISSSHHH” Sungmin complained, Violent rabbit… VIOLENT…. VIOLENT RABBIT!" I had remebered reading and seeing in a few clips Sungmin being very cutsey. I even remebered googling him and making sure I had the right one (I was not yet use to Korean names and often mixed him and Yesung lol). And it was right then that I got hooked. I almost had a heart attack when I heared you were moving your story to some site named AFF, Idk y I think I thought you were abandoning it lol, but yea so I moved over here. The whole entire time I had read no other it was like some type of emotional rollacoaster for me and every ten seconds I was telling my friends and family about it and they were like O.o mmm k. JKJK they were used to my hype over Japanese stuff so my hype over Korean stuff wasnt all that strange haha. Im telling you I walked into you're story an ELFish-Siwonest hybrid and somehow walked out a ELFish-gamer hybrid though I did still have some Siwonest left in me ^^. 

I think it was around the middle of the series that I had relized that I was reading the second book (yup I call them books lol) and I freaked out. But seeing as how I was so far in no other I had decided to save it for later. After I finished no other i was freaking out even more to find out there was a third book, but I decided to rest for a while and then i continued on with my famous idiots splurge haha. On 4-22-2012 just so I could comment "OMG CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆..." (that was literally my first comment on AFF, ever) I had made an AFF account. Also so I could see when you updated :). You were also the reason why I started reading From Hell by Music Chibi. And oh. my. god (parden my french) when i started reading the math story I had literally started when the most recent chapter was the kiss under the bridge one. Unnie, my ovaries, just gone that day lol. I was so content with sharing this story with someone after I had read that chapter I took one of my friends to the library and had her read the first few chapters and then she (with out being forced) read the rest on AFF, yup i had sucessfully recruited my first adorkable lol --- keep in mind she was already a kpop fan. Both of us are to the point where;

me: hey did you see what alex posted on fb yesterday?

friend: OMG yes I totally agree with her lol

hah yea that happens alot ^^


As a response to; ""I often get comments about, “Hey, I really love your stories.” Or “Hey, your stories really helped me.” And I often go… “How…?” because, honestly, I write like a stupid freshmen back then, so I’m confused as to why people even read them back then."" I'll tell you excatly why ^^;

In your stories I love the whole gender-bender genre--- in famous idiots (cause it was often used in manga) and I loved how Alex was Hae's sister. I love the Math story because even though you say you don't really consider the things Kyu does romantic it just eats at my heart. I love the whole seriousness and the slight change of your writing style in My tiny-eyed Night--- it's diffrent yet refreshing (if you updated that I'd probably die of happiness). I love how Eunhyuk's a girl you have creativly fused Percy Jackson, your own imaginationation and SUJU in Persiphone.  I love how even though you seldom update I have a mini- happiness filled heartattacks when you do. I love how well you protray the characters in all your stories along with all the plots and most of all I love how you love Kyu because your love for him and for SUJU is your drive in all of this. 


You had inspired me and I had always wanted to be a mangaka (a manga creator) and I thought to myself OMG what if I write a fanfic it'll help me improve on my writing. So on April 22nd I began to write a Siwon x OC fan-fic called Sorry Sorry-- which I had never published. A few months later in june I had written  another one called The Guide to Being korean and oh my gawsh did i realize how hard it was to get subscribers so I began to be amazed by you even more. Even though you've had years in the buisness (lol this sounds funny but is true) you have SOO many subscribers which i know had to have taken a lot of hard work and slaving over a hot-computer to achieve. I had began to respect you as an author even more; you are quite the inspiration. But I know your road to being where you are was not a smooth one and you have also experienced things like writers-block or even depression about your own work that even though I may not be able to understand how you get it I understand you pains --- to an extent. I remebered thinking that I wanted to high-five you so bad when I realized the little stars next to your stories meant it got featured ;D, you and Super Junior are just something that has completly changed my life in ways that are hard to write.



You have fueled my ELF flame and I think without, know I know without you i would not be here (AFF) today (you were the reason I found the site lol. you made me laugh, cry and fan-girl every other second and are probably the reason why i am as big of an ELF as i am. Every single one of you're stories I had fallen deeply in love with your stories and I will always also continue to love and support you and your stories like any true adorkable. 

Saranghae unnie (sorry if it was awkward lol) man that was alot, this is why i didn't comment it lol anyway ---- now Im going to go do my homework haha annyong!

oh yea and P.S- please have more confidence in yourself; being an amazing writer has nothing to due with being excellent with English, or updating frequently or all that other stuff that may have caused you to lose confidence it has to do with the fact of weither or not you can move people and in the catogory Unnie you are a grade A. You may look at your old work now and cringe but please do remeber that like me there are many people out there that simply idolize it and strive to produce something similar. Whatever else you may not be confident about abandon it --- i think I rember you saying stuff about your looks and Im friends with the real you on facebook and find you completly adorable, or adorkable as I should put it ^^. Oh yeah and your hieght! there is nothing wrong with being tall for the billionth time! IDK if you remeber but I once had a very long and slightly heated argument about bieng short vs. tall and we both agreed normal sized people just have it easy lol. Anyway now I must seriously do my homework Annyong again jyanee zia jian bye bye and thanks for reading this whole thing. I mean like seriously this thing was long man lol.... or maybe it just looks long due to the picture?...hmmmmm.


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This blog was long, but it was nice to read :) Thanks so much.