Alphabet questions (stolen)


Stolen from here:


A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.)-  y, free and single.

B: Birthday- June 11th 1992

C: Crushing on- It depends x) But no real life crush in 3, 4 years (WAAAH, HAS IT BEEN THAT LONG? (I guess it's because of kpop xD) And haven't been in love for 5. Wow, I need to do something here. I like being in love. I think I did, at least. But kpop crush? Eeeeh. As I said, it depends. As for now, I have a small crush on Baekhyun.

D: Drink you had last- .... water

E: Easiest person(s) to talk to- myself.

F: Favorite song-  It changes all the time. But Keep Your Head Down is one of my all time favorites...

G: Grossest memory- I can't remember. (How ironic. Then it's not a memory)

H: Hometown-  ... I live in Norway as a country, but hometown? Not saying.

I: In love with - Ey, look at "C".

J: Jealous of- Those with an awesome best friend to hang with. (I've never had a BBF. But I'd really like a awesome bro friend) And those who have the most awesome job.

K: Killed someone- Noooo.

L: Longest friendship-  My mom - 20 years x)

M: Milkshake flavor-  I'm not sure...

N: # of siblings-  1 older sister, and two half siblings (girl and boy) who is younger than me, and half Thai (I love them so much)

O: 1 wish- More wishes!

P: Person you last called- My sister

Q: ?'s you always ask- I'm not sure...

R: Reason to smile- When I'm happy. Or someone tells a lame joke x)

S: Song last listened to- One OK Rock - the Beginning click the link!!

T: Time you woke up- 11:00 (Earlier, but I had my alarm at that time... And I didn't open my eyes, because I wanted my awesome dream to come back! There was a REALLY GOODLOOKING GUY who was going to kiss me .__.)

U: Underwear color?- Black, white and red

V: Violent moment you had- I'm not violent. But I hit my stepfather on the arm once when I was mad:P I suppose that was 4 years ago? I have good memory, that's why I remember that...

W: Worst habit- I don't know..

X: X-rays you had-  None

Y: Your last time you cried- when I put tiger balm below my nose and my eyes the other day because I had to open up my nose x)

Z: Zodiac sign- I'm not sure. I don't care



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Ohhhhh! I like this one <3
Your answers are so cute.