Application for Staars and Klouds




AFF Username: alice0826

AFF Profile Link:

Contact: [email protected]


Personal Information

Gender: Female :D
Full Name: Park Sung Hyo
Nickname(s): Sungie~ People used to call her that because of her cute appearance. :)
Stage Name: Alice. Because she loves the story of ALICE IN WONDERLAND.
Date of Birth: August 26, 1995
Age: 16
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 35 kg
Blood type: O
Place of Birth: Norway
Hometown: Seoul
Ethnicity: Korean :)

Character Information
Personality:  First of all, she's boyish. She hates love stories and loves pranking people. She love playing games and sports. But most of all, she loves dancing. She hates it if someone backstabs her friends. Many people thinks she's a tomboy but she's not. She can also be girly sometimes and she's a fashion expert. She loves watching horror movies and loves reading books. Dont ever piss her off because she might turn into evil Sung Hyo. If you want her to cool down, give her strawberry milk, her favorite. She's smart and a music prodigy. (like henry lau) She knows how to play the piano, guitar, violin, cello, ukulele and many more. If you ask her for a favor, you have to pay her. She doesn't let anyone boss her around and she's not scared of anyone or anything. Well, except for insects, worms and clowns. Its rare to see her cry. Actually, it'll be a miracle if you see her cry. Her pride is well, too high. She'll punch you if you , but playfully. Dont ever let her cook if you dont want to taste a bomb in your mouth. She at cooking but she's trying hard to learn. If you're friends with her, you'll be happy all the time and there will be no awkward or boring moments when with her. She loves her foster family a lot. She grew up in Norway, when she turned 10, she moved in Korea. Oh, and she's really really frank to people. 
1. Horror movies
2. Books
3. Music
4. Pranks
5. Strawberry milk
6. Games
7. Sports
8. Dancing
9. Eating
10. Walking around at night
1. Worms
2 .Clowns
3. Insects
4. Backstabbers
5. Plastics
6. Something that concerns love
7. Drama queens
8. Losing on games
9. School
10. Annoying people
1. Playing games
2. Sports
3. Dancing
4. Reading books
5. Playing musical instruments
1. Flinching when angry
2. Pranking people
3. Mehrong
4. Eating when depressed
5. Saying aigoo
6. Biting her lip
1. She loves playing wii, especially games with guns.
2. She loves colors red, blue and yellow.
3. She loves kimchi.
4. She loves dancing to gansta boy by f(x)
5. Her idol is Uee and Yoona
6. She love Miss A's songs and dance.
7. She punches or kicks people randomly.
8. She loves scary rides. (ex. roller coaster)
9. She got scared of clowns when she dreamt about the clown killing her and her family.
10. She thinks she's too young to be in a relationship.
11. She hates aegyo.
1. Dancing
2. Singing
3. Playing instruments
4. Drawing
5. Eating :)
Idol Information
- Main dancer, Lead dancer, Sub vocal
- Evil maknae
Individual Fanclub name :
- Pranksters (since she loves pranking people. And she's known for it :3)
Individual fanclub colour :
- Red
Appearance & Style
PhotobucketStyle: [Description]
She's stylish. Loves loose shirts and headbands. Loves cute clothes and boyish clothes.
Ulzzang Name: Lee Eun Ji
Training/At Home:
Family and Friends Information

Family Background: Her real family died when she was 3 because of a car accident. She was sent to an orphanage and decided to leave there because of the bullies. She was found by a norwegian couple that are on a vacation in Korea. They decided to adopt Sung Hyo since they cant have a baby. They lovedher very much like Sung Hyo's their true child. And Sung Hyo love them a lot. She and her foster parents decided to buy a house for Sung Hyo in Seoul so they moved from norway to Korea. Her parents are famous in the business industry. Their rich and because of that many people tried to take advantage of Sung Hyo but they failed since she's pretty sharp. 
Trainee History:
When she was 10, she was casted on the street by JYP himself when he saw her dancing at a dance contest. She persuaded her parents to let her be a trainee and they supported her since its her dream.
Siblings: She doesn't have any sibling.
Friends: Suzy is her bestfriend. They became bestfriends when they became classmates in high school. Sung Hyo saved Suzy from erts and thats how they became close friends. They discovered that they we're training from the same company. Yoona is her close friend to since they are both boyish and can relate to each other. They met through some music programs, that time SNSD has comeback for Hoot. Suzy introduced Sung Hyo to Yoona since she's a big fan.
Rivals: Sohee, Yuri
Relationship Info
1. Heechul (Super Junior)
2. Junho (2PM)
3. Micky (TVXQ)
4. Hyunseung (B2ST)
5. Jokwon (2AM)
Partner's Personality:
Heechul - the most confident guy Hyo has ever met. But he's pretty humble too. He's funny and really friendly.
Junho - the coolest guy on earth. He's good at dancing and singing. He's also funny.
Micky - the cute guy who always smiled and treats Sung Hyo like a baby
Hyunseung - the guy who likes teasing Sung Hyo. They're enemies but good friends
Jokwon - the guy who always make Sung Hyo laugh. 
Did you know him before you were famous:
Heechul - met him before debuting. Yoona introduced Super Junior to Sung Hyo.
Junho - before famous. When Junho watched her dancing on the training studio.
Micky - after debuting. They met through a cf shooting.
Hyunseung - met through Heechul. At the first meeting, they teased each other.
Jokwon - before debuting. When Sung Hyo saw jokwon dancing a cheap dance.
Crush/Friends/Enemies: Enemies that in love. <3
Ex-Boyfriend: Can I have none? But its required, I'll choose Changmin of TVXQ. :)
Password: There was no password. ^^
Comments/Other: She has a split personality. And BOYISH. :)) Thats all. :D


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Kamsamnida! <3
esoyjin #2
KYAH~ Your character sounds so funny and cute haha but.. you are the 11th applicant so there is a less chance that you will make it. But! No worries! I will add you in the story either as a Trainee or a close friend. You will practically be part of the group! But I'm not sure yet I Might add you into the group becuase your application was SO good!! haha But I will PM about your position in the story later. THank you SOOO much for applying and subscribing! ^^