
Come on people,this is becoming really childish.I'm both a persian VIP and a persian ELF and now the fanclubs are fighting each other,instead of supporting their favorite groups,and it's not just VIPs & ELFs,all the fanclubs seem to be in some kinda war with another,not peaceful rivalary,an actual conflict which involves insaulting and minor beating! People are going crazy and they have mixed up the difference between a VIP and an Anti-Suju...they think whoever is not an ELF, is a hater which is not true! And then there are people like me who don't want any of this and don't want to take sides and think that this fights are childish and pointless,and i think if our SuJu and BigBang oppas knew we were fighting instead of supporting them,they would have been pretty Upset. So stop it please! HAJIMAAAA!!


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LoveLab #1
the fans are fighting but there idols are friends!! TSK TSK