layout for jessica~




currently thinking: ???. eargasm: BtoB - Irresistable Lips. mood: bored .






     — the hippo princess











jessica is my name, and i am the hippo princess~ you won't understand unless you join 

our rp :3 i have a bit of an obsession with sehun and  bap. i live in california and i'm 13  
years old. i have an annoying little sister who's very erted and has mental issues i

am addicted to roleplaying. my favorite food is milkshakes. i love lay and key but i 

don't want to admit it. taeny is the best, okay? my best friends are nicole, nicole, and 

janine. yes there's 2 nicole's~ that's it, i think :3 I can't think of anything else to put ;_;

pai pai~






ready  or  not?


status : taken by nicole (jkjk)


orientation : straight


ideal type : SEHUN 






my  ice  cream




i finally finished sabsdlabjsg 

just copy and paste and it should work~ if it doesn't, tell me and i'll try to help :3

you're welcome bby <3




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