
It's me again>< Hello people whom I know and I don't know;P

Some miracle had happened just now. I actually opened my Physics book and STUDIED! I studied!!!!! I don't know what had possesed me but I studied... Aren't you guys proud of me? keke~

While I was studying my mom suddenly came and saw me studying she was like holding her laughter. Why? Is it that weird seeing me studying?

I mean I always read books, well, story books not textbooks:P

And then my father saw me and he was like:

Oh gosh, am I some alien from EXO planet or Mato planet? Why are you laughing at me when you see me studying Physics? They would be mad at me if I don't study and now they're laughing at me for studying... Aish, I must've been a lazy bum all this time...So, I just look at them like this:

They just laughed more and went away. Okay, whatever!

I just wanted to let this out of my chest since I felt kind of irritated by it... Lol, whatever it is, I'm still rambling nonsense... Now, I want to go and stalk some hot guys... I'm not sure if I'm gonna study again because it actually depends on my mood>< *ashamed* Okay, guys... I'll stop here today;D Ramble more soon!






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I never study! So GOOD JOB!!! Because you will never catch me study! kekekekeke!!
LOL, when I study, my parents are like, super nice to me. >-<
watwotwut #3
When my parents see me studying, they check to see if I've hidden my phone or a storybook in it. XD
alliebug128 #4
yay for studying!~whatever your parents cant handle you! boom! you study whenever you want! lol also i love all of your gifs you add in!
MigukSaram #5
Lo this sounds like mmy biography, physics even too
hahahaha that's awesome...
i dont really do revision at home.. omg, it's like the last thing i would do at home! even when i have free time, i'll just daydreaming or sleep. XD or just wander off in the house saying "i'm bored" and "there's nothin' to do"~
my parents never really seen me study at home tho'. x) HAHAHAHA.
wow. great for you. my mom, HUH ! when she saw me doing some physics revision, she will look at me and said, " Have you done your additional mathematcs revision ? "
Japanda #8
lol physics do you have AP physics or regular? i dont think physic is hard, but if its AP then yea you need to study.

that same thing happen to me when i seriously trying to read a book, but then my dad yell at me for reading when he said before i need to take my education seriously...... anyway i know how you feel lol its kindna weird funny and irritates me
Wowww you studied! So proud of you :D HAHAHA! lol, your parents are so funny xD My mom don't care if I study or not which make me sad somehow.. she just wants me to get good marks :/ Fighting! :D
haha omg you are so funny lmao *splutters while drinking milk*
it really is too hard to study these days with things like a PC with internet...
durian2003 #11
u actually picked up that darn Physics book and studied? @.@ me? PFFFFFTT!! AS IF!! Then i'll regret it when I see a big fat C on my paper.... @.@....
but CONGRATULATIONS on picking up that awful book and studying!! ^^ *applauds* Am so PROUD of YOU!! ^^
Lol happens to me too XD hahaha
when I study...
My family just like that!
13seconds #14
LOL, this is funny. Sometimes my parents just couldn't believe that I'm studying either. XD