Beautiful Lady

ze:aaaaahhh <3

i was so happy when i saw "...and the song emphasizes main vocal Kevin‘s distinguished singing skills." in the articles on allkpop

keeeevin <3 kekekeke too much love was given to kwanghee already, it's your time again bby

and what happened to the other 7 teaser photos?? >:(

anyways. this video was so awks. you starempire.

and hyungsik. don't act like i can't see dat pimple on yo' chin mang.



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marshmellowcakes #1
Such a nice setting *^*
himchanjjang #2
SUNHWA IS HAPPY YAAAAAAAAAAAY. wow both Secret & ZE:A have comebacks on the exact same week:3

Okay I'm a crazy SunHee fan xD