90 questions

(stolen from gemstonemay)


1. What was the highlight of your week? Uhm I dunno....the fact that I'm leaving for Singapore?
2. Whose car were you last in? Mum's van, yesterday back from work
3. When is the next time you will kiss someone? My niece and nephew yesterday 
4. What color is the shirt you're wearing right now? white
5. How long is your hair? Is short below my ears almost reaching my chin
6. Are you good looking? I don't think I'm pretty at all, honestly
7. Last movie you watched? My Baby & I
8. Who were you with? My mum.
9. Last thing you ate? Rice with omelette and prawns
10. last thing you drank? Water
11. When was the last time you had your heart broken? High School
12. Who did you text last? My sister
13. Are you happy right now? Sure, yet in serious pain honestly (time of the month is a total pain in the ***)
14. What did you last say? "I have period pain" to my mum
15: Where is your phone? In the bedroom. 
16. What color are your eyes? Black
17. Are you left handed? No...right handed. I need to pratice though
18. Spell your first name without vowels. Nr Khrn
19 Do you have any pets? No
20 Favorite vacation? A lot of it actually to say. 
21. What do you dislike? cockroaches, snakes, rats, smokers, drug addicts, rapists
22 What are you listening to? What Is Love by EXO-K
23. If you could have one thing right now, what would it be? Chocolate ice-cream
24. What is your favorite scent? Jasmine
25. Who makes you happiest? My biases singing voices 
26. What were you doing at midnight last night? Finishing my oneshot before going to bed
27. When is your birthday? 18 May
28. Who has the same phone as you? I dunno...I think people moved on from my kind of phone as me....
29. Last time you went into a swimming pool? What, two three years ago I think. 
30. Do you ever read your horoscope? Often, but I heard is not accurate
31. Where was the last place you bought something? Pharmacy, mint chewing gum
32. How do you feel about your hair right now? Messy
33. Do you bite your nails? No. 
34. Do you have expensive jewelry? No...
35 Do you have any inexpensive jewelry? A lot. 
36. Myspace or facebook? Facebook
37 how fast have you ever driven a car? Can't drive, no license. 
39. What's your favorite school subject?  English I guess. 
40 Where are you? Single bedroom
41. What type of boy do you fall for? have a nice voice, strong, doesn't get jealous easily, have an innocent smile, patient enough to teach me how to dance and learn something new
42. Do you have any hidden talents? Does multitasking count? 
43 Favorite song?  What Is Love by EXO-K
44. Do you like to sing at all? Randomly yes....but am too shy to sing in public.
45. Dream job? Novelist
46. where does most of your family live? Everywhere in the city. I have a brother who's studying in Australia. 
47 Do you have siblings? Yeah, four older siblings
48 Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? Yeah. I am. 
49 What was the first thing you thought of when you first woke up? "I need to pack for the 2 weeks trip"
50. Do you drink? Drink just water....is a sin to drink alcohol! 
51 Do you know any other languages? English, a bit of Japanese, Korean and some French 
52. Ever wrote a coded message? No, but I'd like to try
53 Have you ever been a part of a wedding? Flower girl for my cousin's uncle. 
54 Do you have any children? Someday. 
55. Did you take a nap today? Maybe later. 
56. Who has the same birthday as you? Taeyang from Big Bang (he's my bias in Big Bang btw)
57 Ever met someone famous before? Local ones sure tons. 
58. Do you want to be famous someday?Nah, I rather not. 
59 Any pet peeves? If so, list them. "Never dance while listening to music in the train, people might cuss at you"
60. Are you multitasking right now? Yep! As usual! XD
61 Do you like modern day music? I listen to any kind of music depending on my mood
62 Least favorite chore? Throwing out rubbish. 
63 Last place you went to? My sister's house
64 Ever been out of the country? A lot
65 Where were you born? In my hometown duh! 
66 Could you handly being in the military? I don't think I can. 
67. What's your height? 5"4 inches. Am short. 
68 Who are you thinking about right now? Kai and Lay dancing
69 When was the last time you laughed really hard? Yesterday because of a gif I found on Tumblr about Lay
70 How many pairs of shoes do you own? A lot of shoes. 
71 Are your toes always painted with nailpolish? Not always. Just when I have time of the month. 
72 How many piercings do you have? just both my ears. 
73 What are you doing today? Packing 
74 Have you ever been gambling? HELL NO! My parents will kill me!
75 When was the last time you updated your social networking sites? what 45 minutes ago? 
76 Do you like rollercoasters? No...not really that much 
77 Have you ever been to Disney world or Disney land before? No...wish I can go!
78 Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Bugs Bunny 
79 Last thing you cooked? Don't remember. I think it was omelette
80 How's the weather? Warm, as usual. Will rain later in the afternoon as always
81 Do you email? Yeah. 
82 What's the stupidest thing you have done with your phone? Using earphones and dropping my phone onto the floor causing it to break apart. 
83 Last time you were sick? A month ago due to flu and recovering from my thyroid surgery
84 What states have you lived in? Just Kuala Lumpur, my hometown. Nowhere else. 
85 Do you wish you could move? Yeah, to Australia. I hate this country I swear to God! 
86 Are you sleepy? No. 
87 What is your dream car? BMW
88 If you could be anywhere right now where would you be? Beside SHINee watching over them. 
89 Have you ever wanted someone you can't have? Onew oppa 
90 Are you happy with your life? Well is ok I guess! Is crazy at times,  but what the heck that's life for ya. 


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Onew biased?? Hahahaha
Cool answers ^^
damnitlrh #2
5'4 inches bpa cm?and no.41 tuh fuyoo,,Dina nk sruh dya ajar Dina mnari jgak,hehe.
Akekeke. Stealing :]