↷ dynamics ┆ application form 「 Kimiko Yo, Kimi 」

[ the Prima Donna ]┆[ Kimi ]

the creator!
username: [ Mini_Minhee ]
name: [ Minnie ]
activity rate: [ 9 ]


wow, fantastic baby!
character name: [ Kimiko Yo, 余 貴美子 ]
english name: [ Kimi ]
birthdate: [  December 11, 1992 ]
ethnicity: [ Japanese-American (half Japanese/half Caucasian ]

birthplace: [ Kyoto, Japan ]
hometown: [ New Haven, Connecticut ]
languages spoken: [ English ~ fluent, Japanese ~ semi-fluent, Korean ~ semi-fluent]

bloodtype: [ O ]

height: [ 175cm, 5'9 ]
weight: [ 52kg, 115lbs ]



and this is who i am!

[ I am a self-proclaimed perfectionist. I admit to being obsessive compulsive about certain things and the line - A place for everything and everything in it's place- applies to me. Along with the need for things to be perfect, I detest failure so I work very hard down to the smallest detail, or always practicing one more time before giving up for the night. I try to do everything with confidence  or at least try to try my hardest to look that way- my father's words have stuck with me: always walk with your head held high, speak with a determined tone of voice, shake hands with a firm hand, and always look at people in the eye- be confident and the world is in your hands. Being made fun of as a child: I was too chubby, had too flat of a nose, had too big of ears, was too pale, too tall- made me less than confident, but as I grew older and grew into my body, I grew to ignore the negative opinions and take in only the positive ones; I admit catching myself look in the mirror and reminding myself of the positive remarks, repeating them to help me erase the memories of the hurt the words gave me.

Moving around so much as a child, I had a hard time making friends so became much of a loner. Though I am friendly in nature and curious about getting to know people, I can sometimes be awkward in how I interact with people and it turns some away. Some people assume it is because I think too highly of myself or too stuck up and stay away. However, the people who become friends I treasure and care for them very much. I become quite protective and wouldn't hesitate to fight along side them, or make reasonable sacrifices for them. ]


» [ Flowers - growing them, recieving them, smelling them. ^^ ]

             » [ Bubble Tea - I could have it all day long! ]

             » [ Chocolate - ANY kind, but I prefer anything Meiji ]

             » [ Sanrio - especially Kuromi!]

             » [ "We Got Married" tv show - my favorite couples have ALWAYS been SM family (well except for when it was Taeyeon unnie's turn) ]

             » [ Rock, R&B music are my favorites! ]


» [ Worms/Snakes - they're creepy! ]

» [ When people play with my hair ]

» [ When the topic of Korea vs Japan is made an issue ]

» [ When people compare me to other girls ]

» [ Liars and those who don't give 110% ]

» [ The smell of kimchi (I'm getting more used to it, but sometimes it's still too strong of a smell for me to handle) ]


» [ When nervous, I bite my lower lip ]

» [ Before going to bed, I always write in my journal ]

» [ Constantly putting on hand lotion/lip balm ]

» [ Always checking on my posture (something I haven't been able to stop because of my dad) ]


» [ Swimming ]

» [ Photography - I always carry my digicam with me and always take pictures - of myself, my friends... random things]

» [ Flowers - Currently just growing potted orchids in the dorm ]

» [ Billiards ]

» [ Movies - I try to go at least twice a month ]


» [ I grew up hating my nose (because kids used to tease me about it being so flat) and was determined to get plastic surgery, but now I think it's super cute! ]

» [ I try never to leave the house without makeup! ]

» [ Because my dad is in the Air Force, we moved every two years (I've lived in 5 different states) until my stepmom threatened to divorce him and so we settled in New Haven, Connecticut. ]

» [ I have a tattoo of a lotus blossom in memory of my mother (located on my right hip)  ]

» [ I won over 5 medals in gymnastics (rhythmic dance) competitions in high school ]

ma' style!
ulzzang name: [ Jang Hae Byeol ] [1]
back-up ulzzang name: [ Lii.sa ]
fashion style: 
[ I love all styles of fashion and will change it to suit my mood. I love to dress up girly, love to dress up funky, love to dress chic! I love bright, eye-catching colors and will wear my hair and makeup to match. I can't help if I can't decide what looks best on me, so I wear everything! ^^ ] [1][2][3][4][5][6]


meet my family!
family members: 

father - James Williams ¦ 45 ¦ Master Sergeant in US Airforce ¦ industrious, dedicated, and protective  ¦ 7 ¦ alive
mother - Mayuko Yo ¦ (would have been) 40 ¦ N/A ¦ N/A ¦ N/A ¦ dead 
step-mother - Andrea Williams ¦ 43 ¦ Administrative Assistant ¦ reserved, quiet and can be a little aloof ¦ 6 ¦ alive 
siblings - Amy Williams
 ¦ 16 ¦ student ¦ sociable, extroverted, creative, and ambitious ¦ 8 ¦ alive 

family background:

[ My parents met in Fusso, Japan (a suburb of Tokyo) in the fall of 1990. My father had been stationed at the Yokota Air Force base when he met my mother; a chance meeting where neither had supposed to have been: the new recruit who had been ordered to take the place of his sick superior at a volunteer event; the young, aspiring writer who had been pressured by an upperclassman to switch interview volunteers. It was truly a love at first sight encounter and the story of their love would have rivaled that of a soap opera; the romeo and juliette tragedy of their whirlwind romance, the objections from her parents of their only daughter falling in love with just any man; an American man, a poor man, and an orphaned man. But even with these obstacles, neither would give the other up; they fought against the objections and secretly dated for over a year. It was in March of 1991 when transfer orders came to my father and the beginning to the end of their romance; they knew her parents would never approve and that the love and respect she had for her family would never allow her to run away with him, so with heavy hearts they parted ways in late April.

It was six years later in 1997 when my father received a letter postmarked from Kyoto, Japan. The letter was from a man by the name of Domoto Masami - the widow of my mother. His letter contained information that shocked and would change my father's life - there had been a baby! The letter gave the history of everything that happened after my father left Japan as was told to him by my mother. It stated that my mother had found out she was pregnant a few weeks after he had been transfered to the Hickam Air Force base in Honolulu, and had been disowned by her parents. She had been ordered to Akita to extended family to give birth to the baby and give it up in order to return to the family. However, she ran to Kyoto and there she struggled to survive and raise their baby on her own. It was while working at a restaraunt that she met the owner's son, who was immediately attracted to her. After months of getting to know her initially as a friend since she was alone, bit by bit she shared information on her past. Learning more about her only made him fall in love with her more. Two months before I was born, after much pressure from him (he promised her the world, fully expecting to never receive her whole heart, knowing a part of it would always belong to my father) and his parents (who had also fallen for the charms of my mother) she finally relented and agreed to marry him. We were all happy for about until the winter of 1996 and one of the worse snowstorms hit Kyoto; my mother became ill and passed away. Before doing so, she had made my step-father promise to find and hand me over to my father.

 Within two months, I found myself in San Diego with my father, his wife and new baby girl. It was very hard in the beginning (not counting the fact that I no longer had my mother, or the people I grew up with and living in a total different world and culture but) especically since I could only communicate with my father, I always felt a wall between my step-mother and I. Even as I aged and learned English, there was always something that prevented any sense of closeness between us. My father being the busy man he was at the Air Force Base (and the fact I think he just wanted peace at home, so chose to ignore the tension) never forced much interaction between us all- which I ultimately began to resent and in turn resent him.  My sister and I are very close; she always wants to do everything I do, be everything I want to be, look the way I do... we are very close and talked constantly- made easier since we shared a room growing up. She was witness and would always just quietly walk up to me and give me a hug when she'd notice how I changed when our parents were around- I went from from the usual confident, happy, sarcastic teenager to the quiet, reserved, scared little girl when I took notice of them. So when I was offered the chance to go to Seoul and join SM, my step-mother had been quiet and was her usual reserved self, but in fact was the one who talked my father into letting me. I couldn't help but feel it was so the tension would lessen in the house, but that could just be my paranoid-I-miss-my-mother hangup.]


hey, beautiful stranger!

Key ¦ 21 ¦ Entertainer ( SHINee ) ¦ sociable, reliable, caring, can be kind of a nag, funn wy and fun
Hyoyeon ¦ 23 ¦ Entertainer ( SNSD ) ¦ friendly, caring, affectionate, and trustworthy
Jonghyun ¦ 22 ¦ Entertainer ( SHINee ) ¦ caring, sociable, happy, protective and affectionate - the oppa I never had
Jonghyun ¦ 22 ¦ Entertainer ( CNBlue ) ¦ sweet, friendly, reserved, thoughtful, and caring - the other oppa I never had
Changmin ¦ 24 ¦ Entertainer ( TVXQ ) ¦ quiet, reserved, caring, optimistic
Seohyun ¦ 21 ¦ Entertainer ( SNSD  ) ¦ sweet, friendly, and helpful (always willing to talk about or help me with my singing)

best friends: 

Amber Liu ¦ 20 ¦ Entertainer ( f(x) ) ¦ friendly, dependable, funny, honest, hard-worker, always tries her best and fun


crush: [ Lee Jung-Shin, CNBlue ]
back-up crush: [Yang Seungho, MBLAQ ]
relatonship: [ 7 ]
how you met:

[ I've always found him super attractive... ever since I saw him and how he was on WGM. He stayed friends with Hyoyeon unnie and when I admitted that I thought he was super cute, she introduced us, but we're still in the initial stage of getting to know one another. ]


scene request: [ I want to be the one who asks him out, the oblivious pabo that he is, LOL ]

the stage is my home.
trainee duration: [ 3 1/2 years ]
trainee life:

[ It was after I had turned sixteen that I accompanied a good friend and her mother to New York City to help support her while she auditioned at the SM-New York City office. Her mother had been so nervous and once my friend went into the inner audition waiting room, told me she was going to go smoke a cigarette and get some coffee and left me in the outter waiting room with the other people auditioning. While sitting there, a girl nearby started to talk to me and in her anxiousness blurted out how she made it to New York City - she had rode the train up from Baltimore for the weekend, having lied to her parents saying she was just at a friends house- so she was alone and scared. She asked me if I would listen to her sing her song, and I agreed curious how good she was, to go against her parents wishes and travel 3 hours on a train alone. I wasn't very skilled in music, but had taken the required choir classes all throughout middle-school to the current sophomore year so I knew a little bit and had to hold back from shaking my head. While I was sharing the advice that my choir director had given me - stand/sit straight, sing from the diaphram, enunciate, relax and warm up thoroughly- I had been unaware of a small audience forming behind us. When she asked me to warm up with her, I did so, working on the scales and having her sing My Country Tis of Thee (the basic song my choir director had us sing to warm up) along with me. We didn't even finish the song when she was called into the inner room; she stood to walk away thanking me. I smiled and wished her luck- I had tried my best and now it was up to her skills/talent and luck. 

I leaned back and sighed, wondering why my friends' mother hadn't returned yet when a slightly older woman- who I found out later was one of the songwriters based in the SM-New York offices- approached me. She asked if I was going to audition, and when I shook my head she pursed her lips. She told me she had happened to be walking by when she noticed the help I was giving the girl from Baltimore and was drawn over to us. She praised the words/help I had given her and complimented me on my voice. I shook my head again and explained that I had only come to support a friend. While discussing and encouraging me to audition, my friend's mother came back and after listening to everything being said, also encouraged me to audition. What do you have to lose? We're already here, might as well audition! After debating, I figured that they were right- what did I have to lose? So I walked in and though I hadn't had a special song prepared, one of the boys auditioning offered me the use of the song he hadn't sung during audition- luckily it was one I was familiar with since we had sung it at the previous year's high school graduation. (I Believe I Can Fly)  It was two weeks later when the phone call came in about the offer to join SM as a trainee. I hadn't told my parents about the audition since I hadn't expected to hear back from them. I had never planned on pursuing anything in music, in fact I hadn't even been sure of what I wanted to do in the future. My father rejected the idea of sending me thousands of miles away, but my step-mother convinced him to give me a chance. A month later I became an official trainee at SM and lived with other international trainees in one of the dorms while attending Seoul Arts High School. 

For the first year and a half of training, I was mostly doing vocal training with the anticipation of being lead or main vocals for when and if I debuted. The preceding two years was still dedicated to voice lessons but in addition to that, dance was introduced along with the various MC training, acting lessons, songwriting, etc. Though I didn't necessarily think I was very good at songwriting since I had never been a big fan of writing, they started to focus my trainee period on voice lessons, songwriting, and dance. I became very good friends with Amber who started teaching me guitar, Seohyun unnie who helped me with voice and piano since I was rusty, and Jonghyun oppa who helped me practice writing lyrics.  ]

audition links: 

singing links: one   ¦   two
dancing links: one   
¦   two 
rapping links: one   
¦   two


stage name: [ Kimi ]

persona: [ Prima Donna ~ a play on words: Prima Donna is the Italian phrase for the principal/main singer in an opera, and in this case is used in equivalence to diva ]
position: [ fortissimo ]
personal fanclub name: [ Assoluta  (a term to describe the principal/main singer/dancer) ]
personal fanclub colour: [ example:                     
 (#151B8D ) ]




the extras!
song suggestions: [1][2][3][4]
comments: [ I'm excited to see the progress of this story! ]
password: [ Leo is such a cutie! ]





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