My brother left for the Navy today

I have my own shower now
I can wear his flannels without getting in trouble
I can use girly scented shampoos again
I don't have to stop by Panda Express everyday after school to buy food anymore; he won't eat it
I don't have to keep nagging him to put the toilet seat down anymore
I can use up all the ink on his printer if I want

But who's going to draw really ing scary clowns on my binder?
Who am I gunna watch Star Wars with at 3 AM on a school night?
Who's gunna take me to TGI Friday ever first Friday of the month?
Who's gunna drop off my glasses at school when I forget them at home?
Who's going to make punny jokes at Christmas?
Who am I supposed to annoy with my kpop fangirl-ness?

He never took me to LACMA like he said he would.
He forgot to replace the batteries in my calculator before he left.
He broke the brush I use to apply eyeshadow.
He was supposed to proofread my personal statement.
He hasn't bought me a BAP poster yet.
He left the toilet seat up again.

I don't know. I miss him already. 


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Nickerz #1
aww... *touched* this made me miss my brother...
i feel for ya cupcake... i dont have a brother, but i can relate to the feeling... it when people leave...
pinkiepromise #3
I know how you feel...
My boyfriend left for afganistan a week ago...
It feels so long... He won't be back for a year...I feel dead already TT TT
i feel you. T.T
coz i'm going through the same thing but my brother is not away for navy.
it just...he's not going to stay in our house anymore. :/
he got his adopted family and...friends. :(
green_teax #5
Aww.. You're still lucky that you have a brother.. I really want one :)