93 Things About Me - Stole it


•    93thingsaboutme      •  
1. Name: Jenny Kim
2. Nickname: Ljoe's wife, Jen, Mrs. Lee
3. Age: 16
4. Male or Female: Female
5. Primary School: N/A
6. Elementary school: N/A
7. High school: N/A
8. Hair color: Dark Brownish Black
9. Tall or short: Medium height
10. Phone or Camera: Phone, BASIC NEEDS IN HUMAN LIFE
11. Health Freak: Not really.
12. Orange or apple: Orange. I like citrus fruit.
13. Do you have a crush on someone: Edward, my Bunny Poodle ~
14. Eat or Drink: Uh, both.
15. Piercings: Ears, but only on the right.
16. Pepsi or Coke: Coke.
17.Been in an airplane: Yep!
18.Been in a relationship: Currently having a wonderful relationship.
19.Been in a car accident: Never, but I almost did.
20.Been in a fist fight: Too scared. But leg fight yes. AHAHA
21.First Piercing: My ears.
22.First Best Friend: Too many.
23.First Award: The best spam message on facebook - LJOE'S YUMMEH BD ( LOL, I just created that )
24.First Crush: Tyler.
25.First word: I... don't remember.
26.Last friend you talked to in person: My sister.
27.Last friend you texted: It's been a while since I texted my friend.
28.Last friend you watched a movie with: I never watched a movie with my friend.
29.Last food I ate: Bread and butter.
30. Last movie you watched: Toy Story 2 . 
31. Last song you listened to: I Still Love You - Suzy 'BIG' OST
32. Last thing you bought: My B** . Guess it yourself.
33. Last person you hugged: My mom
34. Food: Chocolate Brownies or Carrot cake.
35. Drinks: Strawberry juice or Lemon tea.
36. Bottoms: Jeans - straight cut or boot cut
37. Flowers: Pink Babybreaths or Peony. I wish Edward would give me those 
38. Animal: White Maltese Puppies or Scottish Kitten Fold. ADORABLE!
39. Colors: Pink, White, Black, too many to write.
40. Movie: So much to mention.
41. Subjects: Art
42. Fell for someone so hard and got heartbroken?  - Yes. Twice.
43. Celebrated Halloween? - Peanut butter cups and candy corns are my favourite!
44. Had your heart broken? - Twice. 
45. Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone? - It was once for one hour texts. LOL
46. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? - Kwon Sohyun. LOL
47. Eaten a whole standard sized pizza? - That's too much.
48. Tried to do something, but couldn't succeed? - I tried making my own nail art but it's all doomed.
49. Did something I regret? - Yup. Bring out school stuff while eating with family then dad started his speech with school topics. I regret.
50. Broke a promise? - I'm not sure if I did.
51. Hid a secret? - Yes. But if the person acts like a to me, I'd always break it, SLOWLY.
52. Pretended to be happy? - Many times. Especially when recieving gifts that I don't really want.
53. Met someone who changed your life? - I'm too young for this question.
54. Pretended to be sick? - When I'm lazy to go to school, I pretended to have dizziness, and end up on having it.
55. Left the country? - Twice.
56. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it? - YUP! Squeezing a lot of wasabi paste on my sushi and eat it. SUPER LOVE THE CHALLENGE!
57. Cried over the silliest thing? - Is missing someone and cry are the silliest thing? Because I always I did.
58. Ran 5 miles? - HAHA, no.
59. Went to the beach with your best friends? - Never plan yet. 
60. Got into an argument with your friends? - Used to. But when we grow older, it'd be wierd to argue something.
61. Hated someone? - A lot.
62. Stayed single for a whole year? - I started dating since last year. So the rest of the years, I'm single.
63. Eating: Nothing.
64. Drinking: My saliva.
65. Listening To: Buzz Lightyear speaking.
66. Thinking about: Edward. I miss him already.
67. Plans for today: House cleaning.
68. Waiting for: Edward to come. ARGH
69. Want kids: TOTALLY! Millions with Ljoe.
70. Want to get married: Already. LOL Kidding. But I'm married to Edward in roleplayer. 
71. Careers in mind: Photographer. My dream ~
72. Lips or eyes: Lips. Ljoe's lips are the best.
73. Shorter or taller: Taller
74. Romantic or spontaneous: Both
75. Nice stomach or nice arms?: Both. I want it a little muscular and the stomach have to be flat, with little abs.
76. Hook-up or relationship?: Relationship.
77. Looks or personality?: BOTH
78. Lost glasses/contacts: Always. LOL I don't usually wear it. Rarely.
79. Snuck out of a house: My sitter house once.
80. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Not yet.
81. Kissed someone before: My cousin when he's a baby. And Ljoe's photo that Edward shows me. 
82. Broken someone's heart: I'm not that kind of person.
83. Been in love: Before and currently.
84. Cried when someone died: I would cry if my closest family dead. And none of them except my grandpa has died.
85. Yourself: Not really.
86. Miracles: Maybe.
87. Love at first sight: Yes
88. Heaven: YES!
89. Santa Claus: Used to. And now I know it was all just a baby's fairytale.
90. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: My Edward. WHERE IS HE~~~~? *CRIES*
91. Do you know who your real friends are?: Not sure.
92. Do you believe in God?: Yes.
93. Would you change something in your life?: Can I make my fingers and legs longer?


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