I'm more girlish~ According to this quiz LOLS



 [X] You love hoodies

 [X] You love jeans

 [x] Dogs are better than cats

 [x] It's hilarious when people get hurt 

 [x] You've played with boys on a team

 [x] Shopping is torture

 [] Sad movies  

 [] You own a Xbox

 [X] You played with Hot Wheels as a little kid

 [] At some point in your life you wanted to be a firefighter

 [X] You own/used to own a DS, PS2 or SEGA 

 [x] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers 

 [] You watch sports on TV 

 [] Gory movies are cool 

 [x] Sometimes you go to your dad for advice 

 [] You own like a trillion baseball hats

 [x] You used to/do collect Pokemon

 [x] Baggy sweat pants are nice to wear

 [] It's kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people

 [X] Green, black, red, blue or silver are one of your favourite colours

 [] Sports are fun

 [x] You sometimes talk with food in your mouth

 [] You sleep at night with your socks on 

 [] You have fished at least once



TOTAL = 13




 [X] You like to shop 

 [] You wear eyeliner

 [X] You wear the colour pink 

 [X] Sometimes you go to your mum for advice

 [] You consider cheerleading a sport 

 [] You hate wearing all black

[X] You like going to the mall

 [x] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures

[X] You like wearing jewelery 

 [] You cried watching The Notebook 

 [x] Skirts are a part of your wardrobe

 [x] Shopping is one of your favourite hobbies

 [x] You've seen Star Wars and don't like some of it  (Haven't seen the movie yet.)

 [] You do/did gymnastics 

 [] It takes you around one hour to shower and get dressed  

[x] You smile a lot more than you should

 [x ] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes  

[X] You care about what you look like majority of the time

[] You like wearing dresses whenever you can 

[X] You like dancing/do dancing 

 [x] You like high-heeled shoes 

[X] You used to play with dolls as a kid 

 [x] You like putting makeup on others 

 [] You like being the star of almost everything

[] Pink is one of your favourite colours

 TOTAL = 16



Multiply your results by 4 to find out how boy/girl you are!


BOY = 52%

GIRL = 64%


Well, I thought I was more boyish LOLS

Stolen from: shineelovah4evah


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Aww another person more boyish than me! >.<
I know I would be more manish so I won't even take it! XD
That's true Unnie! Man, why is everyone more boyish than me! I thought I was suppose to be boyish! xD
Bananoona #4
I did it, more boyish that girlish. Which is about right lol. Though I never ever saw Pokemon as a boyish thing... I thought it was uni LOL XD<br />
But yeah, I got 52% boy like you, with *slightly* different answers, and then 24% girl lol. Why was flailing over boys not one of the girly things haha?
@jvip13 LOLS! XD<br />
@RusseeLa1015 I was suppose to be more boyish! xD
Lol! I'm 64% boy and 24% girl! xDD
Haiyo! *do the girly wave of the hand*