Application for ❂ The Grimoire ❂ (INCOMPLETE)

  T h e   G r i m o i r e   
A p p l i c a t i o n 
♛ Welcome, guest;

                Username: [username + hyperlinked to your profile]
                Online Activity: [1-5, 5 being the highest, how often are you online?]

♛ This book now belongs too;

Character Name: [Last name, First name format]
Age: [in International years; age range is 16-21]
Birthday: [mm/dd/yy]
Nationality: [make it sensible, don’t be a hybrid!]
Languages: [max 4; indicate if it’s fluent or basic ONLY]

♛ And to whose face;

Ulzzang: [her name; Do Hwe Ji is taken!]
Images ; [hyperlink the words I will be providing]

image || image || image

Back-up Ulzzang: [her name]
Images ; [hyperlink the words I will be providing]

image || image || image

♛ One page isn’t enough;

Style: [1-2 sentence description of your style; you may provide pictures, hyperlink the words I will be providing]

start writing here

style || style || style

Hair-color: [Black? Brunette? Blonde? Please don’t go rainbow on me; you may provide pictures, hyperlink the words I will be providing]
Hairstyle: [your usual hairstyle/s; you may provide pictures, hyperlink the words I will be providing]

hairstyle || hairstyle

Eye-color: [Brown? Green? No dual eye colors, please]
Piercings: [Does she have piercings anywhere? Bellybutton? Ear? Nose? Let me know!]

[max 2 tattoos; Follow this format: Shape/Design | location | size: is it as big as a hand? Or as small as a marble?; you may provide pictures, hyperlink the words I will be providing]

tattoo || tattoo

♛ This is my chapter;

Character Background ;

Birthplace: [Anywhere in the Earth is fine, actually, but it’s already a given that your character will currently be living in Seoul, South Korea]
Occupation: [Student? Part-time worker? Drop-out? What are you? Make sure it makes sense with your character’s age!]
Summary of your backstory: [max 2 paragraphs, 5-10 sentences each.]

start writing here

♛ The muses of my life;

Family members: [max 4; Follow this format: Last name, First name | Relationship | Age | Occupation | Dead or Alive? | 3 words to describe them | How close are you with each other? 1-5]

start writing here

Friends: [max 2; you could have idols as friends, but I prefer OCs. Follow this format: Last name, First name | Age | Occupation (if idol, indicate from what group) | Dead or Alive? | 3 words to describe them | How close are you with each other? 1-5]

start writing here

♛ Bookmarked;

Likes: [5-10; list mode; HOBBIES ARE NOT LIKES]

  • start writing here

Dislikes: [5-10; list mode; FEARS ARE NOT DISLIKES]

  • start writing here

Fears: [3-5; list mode; indicate if fear is high, moderate, low]

  • start writing here

Hobbies: [3-5; list mode; Does she collect things? Draw? Read? Let me know!]

  • start writing here

Habits: [I have provided the situations; please fill it up, you may repeat some habits (ex. You may do the same thing when you’re mad and when you’re jealous)]

Happy |
Sad/Depressed |
Upset/Mad/Irritated |
Jealous |
Bored |
Nervous |
Others (please specify) |

Trivia: [3-5; list mode; Anything else you want to add?]

  • start writing here

♛ Don’t judge me from my cover alone;

Chosen Book: [base from the list provided here]
God/Goddess: [under your chosen book, from the same list]
Tarot Card: [under your chosen book, from the same list]
Given Persona: [under your chosen book, from the same list]

*Additional Persona: [Want to add more flavour to your character? Let me know what kind of person she really is! Max 2 paragraphs, 5-10 sentences each, bold the key words of your personality, try to base it on your chosen book]

┆start writing here

♛ Those unexpected ink blots;

What day of the week did you come to visit the book shop? [Monday, Wednesday and Friday ONLY, no weekends]
What time of the day? [Morning, afternoon or evening? No need to indicate the actual time]
Did you like the person behind the counter? [Were you totally freaked out? Curious? Indifferent? Let me know! 3-5 sentences.]

┆start writing here

                Pick two numbers: [from 1-12. Don’t think! Just pick!]

♛ To you, I dedicate this story;

Love Interest: [his wonderful name here]
First Impressions ; 

Do you like him? [not in the romantic way, just the friendly way; yes/no]
Does he like you? [yes/no]
*Suggested scenes on how you first met?

┆start writing here

If answers are both no, who starts to like the other first? [him? You? Or leave it to me?]

Second Love Interest: [his wonderful name here]
First Impressions ;

Do you like him? [not in the romantic way, just the friendly way; yes/no]
Does he like you? [yes/no]

*Suggested scenes on how you first met?

┆start writing here

If answers are both no, who starts to like the other first? [him? You? Or leave it to me?]

♛ Till we meet again;


┆start writing here


┆start writing here

Parting gift for me? [hyperlink me to ONE all-time favourite .GIF of your bias; there’s plenty in tumblr! Hyperlink me using that really long line I provided down there]




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