Got this from ChaeWon1stShipper ~ :)


A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.)- single but happy!  :)

B: Birthday- February, 25

C: Crushing on- A LOT of people: SHINee Taemin, EXO Baekhyun, Inifinite Sungyeol, B.A.P Daehyun, B1A4 Gongchan, etc.

D: Drink you had last- Pepsi

E: Easiest person(s) to talk to- Best friend CAMMIE and 2nd Best friend/Kpop lover PAMMIE! <3

F: Favorite song- Boyfriend Janus...for now XD

G: Grossest memory- Watching my dog throw-up...*shivers*

H: Hometown- Rchmond,ia

I: In love with- ...PEOPLE WHO LOVE ME!!!

J: Jealous of- People who live in NY or CALI (cuz apparently those are the only 2 states in the US Kpop concerts go to) ^^

K: Killed someone- In my mind... LOL ~_~

L: Longest friendship- Since 2nd grade and on-going (hence my best friend) :)

M: Milkshake flavor- Oreo

N: # of siblings-  1

O: 1 wish- To live a good and healthy life

P: Person you last called- some random # that keeps calling me while I'm at school DUH.DUH.DUH!!!

Q: ?'s you always ask- Can we get something to eat?

R: Reason to smile- Seeing my bias' happy and smiling <3

S: Song last listened to- Utada Hikuru's Final Distance M-Flow Remix I.LOVE.THIS.SONG. Even though I don't listen Jpop that much Haha

T: Time you woke up- 6:00 am and I regret it everyday T_T

U: Underwear color?- Do you really need to know? LOL

V: Violent moment you had- Hitting my brother with a chair (in my defense he asked me to) #Young&Dumb

W: Worst habit- Chewing on my bottom lip

X: X-rays you had- ankle, knee, head, forearm, shoulder, etc... (I do gymnastic)

Y: Your last time you cried- Three days ago when I made myself cry to see how fast my tearts could come down haha

Z: Zodiac sign- Pisces


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