Alphabet Survey n.n

I stole this from mintykyu ^^




A: Availability (single, married, taken, etc)-- Single... *sigh*

B: Birthday-- July 15th ^^

C: Crushing on-- Anderson.. *blushes like crazy* geez I felt butterflies in my tummy ><

D: Drink you last had-- mmmmm strawberry sake >u<

E: Easiest peron(s) to talk to-- My friends and my big brother ^^

F: Favorite song-- Can't choose! but at the moment.... Y.O.U. by SHINee

G: Grossest memory-- I... I really can't say that again. It's too traumating! T.T

H: Hometown-- Guatemala City, Guatemala~!

I: In love with-- Anderson... *blushes again* don't make me think of him!!!! I get like an IDIOT! ><

J: Jealous of-- Maybe famous people (?) just because they have.... almost everything

K: Killed someone-- In my head... those were hard times ><

L: Longest frendship-- My best friend~! We met even before we were born! ^^

M: Milshake flavor-- VANILLA.~!!!!!!!!!!

N: Number of siblings-- 2~! oppas :D

O: One wish-- Being able to archieve everything I proposed myself ^^ (or meeteing Ryeowook xD)

P: Person you last called--... My best friend. Yesterday for his birthday :D

Q: Questions you always ask-- What?

R: Reason to smile-- I'm alive and God loves me! ♥

S: Song last listened to-- Alarm Clock by SHINee

T: Time you woke up-- 9:20am

U: Underwear color-- hummm.... I ain't answering!

V: Violent moment you had-- I fought with a boy.... yeah... (really feminine right?)

W: Worst habit-- Biting my nails ><

X: X-Rays you had-- My teeth, a few onths ago for removing some of them >< *ouchie~* my leg and arm

Y: Your last time you cried-- 2 Weeks ago... and it was REAL bad

Z: Zodiac sign-- Cancer


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