A little about me in A-Z? Okay!~


A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.)- taken~

B: Birthday- August 24~ Yesund and I share birthdays~

C: Crushing on- . . . you know~

D: Drink you had last- Mountian Dew

E: Easiest person(s) to talk to- My Friendzers!

F: Favorite song- Right now its this~

G: Grossest memory- Getting a kiss and the other accidently snotting on my upper lip... ugh so disgusting. 

H: Hometown- Norfolk.

I: In love with- -points to crush- same. 

J: Jealous of- BoA. She's to pretty and perfect. lol.

K: Killed someoneI was sleep walking.. I swear!

L: Longest friendship- 4 years.

M: Milkshake flavor- Vanilla~!

N: # of siblings-  4. two younger brothers and two older sisters. 

O: 1 wish- To become famous and prove to young people that you can achive your highest goals. 

P: Person you last called- . . . Why must you know this?

Q: ?'s you always ask- Why?

R: Reason to smile-  I'm alive~

S: Song last listened to- Ummmm, this.

T: Time you woke up- 7:30

U: Underwear color?- Black and green lined with 'HEECHUL' on it~

V: Violent moment you had- A fight with a girl, she smashed my face into a car tail light... it hurt. -pouts-

W: Worst habit- -bites nails- Nothing..

X: X-rays you had- Broken Pinky, broken big toes. 

Y: Your last time you cried- Yesturday cause of an Angsty story.. I cry easily. 

Z: Zodiac sign- Virgo~!


 I own nothing~ But the A-Z Awnsers. CREDITS to:  ChaeWon1stShipper


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