Gays/Lesbians/Biuals are disgusting?


I was with a friend this day, just walking around.
Then I saw this absolutely attractive girl who was very well-dressed, so I nudged my friend asking her to look.
I mean...that's what friends do right? Asking each other to check out someone attractive...?
I thought she was gonna agree with me until she said and laughed...
"Are you asking me to check out a girl?"
And I was looking at her like 'yeah'.
Then right after that, she said something that I swore I could've punched her in the face.
"I'm not a lesbian you know, that's disgusting."
It's people like this in the society that destroys everything. And there are countless of them. People like this are everywhere.
Who are you to judge someone's ual orientation? 
Why are human beings so horrible...?


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IKR ! I really wonder why there are such b¡tches/b@astards that says gays/lesbians/biuals are disgusting . I know I used to look down on gays/les/biuals, but not to the point of calling them disgusting . But now I don't look down on gays/les/biuals . :) And I wonder what's wrong with checking out someone of the same gender ? Its not as if I checking out the same gender=I'm les/gay/bi ... These ppl really need to grow up, like seriously ....*grumbles*
I can't even tell people I'm gay because of this. It's hard. Though I know i have some friends who wouldn't mind, it just the might factor that's really frightening.