Alphabet Survey ~ Stolen from ChaeWon1stShipper

A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.)- Single )':

B: Birthday- March 3rd

C: Crushing on- Song Joong Ki... and someone else /3

D: Drink you had last- Plain drinking water

E: Easiest person(s) to talk to- Koid Ying Xiu , Wan Yi Kang and Khor Ruh Ying

F: Favorite song- At the moment? Want U Back Cover by Tiffany Alvord

G: Grossest memory- Ahhhhhhh!!! No thanks. Never bothered to remember :P

H: Hometown- Penang, Malaysia. Yes, I'm a Malaysian. GOT A PROBLEM NON ASIANS!?

I: In love with- Song Joong Ki A__A Got a problem? Go see a doctor!

J: Jealous of- smart people ><

K: Killed someone- uh, mentally... yes. /caught

L: Longest friendship- 6 years?

M: Milkshake flavor- Oreo

N: # of siblings-  2 excluding me A__A

O: 1 wish- To get all my wishes to come true A__A

P: Person you last called- err... my mum :P

Q: ?'s you always ask- Are we there yet? ( Destination )

R: Reason to smile- I have manyyyyy reasons. Where should I start? A__A

S: Song last listened to- Taylor Swift Medley by Tiffany Alvord

T: Time you woke up- 3pm. ( Muahahaha x) TRY BEATING THAT xD )

U: Underwear color?- well.. since my friends always insist on planing underwear colour... rainbow xD

V: Violent moment you had- slapping my friend... ( MENTALLY ) xD

W: Worst habit- Stuffing too much food in my mouth in once.


Y: Your last time you cried- Today. My end of the semester results arrived :OOO They and I got scolded )':

Z: Zodiac sign- Pisces ( This how you spell it? )



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rene_aoi #1
Penang is a nice island I like it