Alphabet Survey - Taken from BangingYongguk


A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.)- In my imagination, I am married to my dear Ljoe but in reality, I'm single.

B: Birthday- Oct 3rd

C: Crushing on- Edward, he's just too adorable!

D: Drink you had last- Tea

E: Easiest person(s) to talk to- There is someone, my classmate.

F: Favorite song- Baby U by Teen Top

G: Grossest memory- I don't think I have that kind of memory.

H: Hometown- Are you asking the location? Or, something else?

I: In love with- Edward! And Ljoe. LOL

J: Jealous of- This girl who had got full marks on her test, and the idols who have long legs. 

K: Killed someone- I wanted to kill someone. It's a SHE and an idol.

L: Longest friendship- Most of my friends went to a boarding school so I kinda lost my tight friendships.


N: # of siblings-  Three including me. I'm the eldest

O: 1 wish- To marry Ljoe and have million babies with him. ROFL

P: Person you last called- My mom. Actually, she called me.

Q: ?'s you always ask- "Can you help me?"

R: Reason to smile- N/A

S: Song last listened to- HyunA- Ice Cream

T: Time you woke up- School - 6: 00 Weekends - Somewhere 10

U: Underwear color?- HOHOHO. Seriously?

V: Violent moment you had- I never had before. I hope it won't happen.

W: Worst habit- I used to bite my nails. USED TO!

X: X-rays you had- Nope.

Y: Your last time you cried- Today, this morning.

Z: Zodiac sign- Libra



Don't judge me and my wrecked English.



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