
Hello people and other weird creatures that you claim you are>< I'm back again with another post. Hihi... Seriously, I have nothing else to do but rant about my life all day... Aigoo~ Well, that's because I'm bored! Keke~

But... It's okay. There's always things that I can do... I know how to play alone>< I'm weird but fun! Yeah... I just updated my story, "Who the hell is she?!" just now! Yey! But I can't help but feel insecure about that particular :( chapter It's because I'm going through a writer's block and it's stressing me out. Seriously it's frustrating. I can't seem to even construct a proper sentence T.T

What do you guys do when you have writers block? I'll just go and take some chill pill for now and relax my mind!

So, for the last post where I was like traumatized by the thunder and was left ALONE, you guys commented a lot about coackroches... First thing, I hate bugs and insects because we would never know where they're heading towards to and we can never know what they're trying to do! It make me go all crazy! They disgust me so much! Lord, I hate them! STAY AWAY FROM ME!

There was this incident where I entered my room and was like combing my hair when I felt something creeping up my leg. I looked down and there was nothing but I shook my leg... Then, there was this huge coackroach coming down from my leg and went behind some cupboard. I was like "DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And I ran out of my room...

 My exact facial expression><

It was the most disturbing thing ever! Just, stay away from me. Seriously, bugs and insects, please... Just stay away T.T I'm begging you....

Just wanted to share my experience that had happened to me one month ago. I still can't get it out of my head and I can still feel as if it was crawling on my skin... Ugh! The worst feeling ever! I can die*__*

Gotta go now people! I'll rant more later:D I want to go and have my lunch now... It's the only thing I'm looking forward to do for today>< Yes, I'm pathetic but so what...





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That last GIF...i swear
I know your feelings!! The feeling of bugs crawling on your skin, not good. The more you think of it, the more that feeling hunts you! I hate it! As for having a block, everyone has them. it's normal. Trust me, think out of the box. This way, your story will surprise people! Good luck!
I have never seen a cockroach, dead or alive, except on television O.o .
I only hate fast insects. So those slow walking spiders, big or small, I'm okay with them, but those small running ones >~< . And I hate mosquitoes in the summer, because I can't sleep when I hear one, and I sometimes even wake up because of the noise they make while flying. I even had one that was flying in front of face and when I breathed in it flew in my nose... Another trauma XD, now I hate them even more >:X .

I have been trying to write stories on my computer, but I seem to be on a constant writers block, because I start one after another, and even though I have enough ideas, the stories never get longer than a page or three. So I can't help you, I would probably make it worse XD That's why I don't write in AFF, because I first want to try to finish one (which might not happen EVER XP )... So I'll just keep reading.

I still have to have lunch too, it's now 14:00 where I live, so I should eat something, or I won't be hungry at dinner... Lunch here I come!
Lol, when I get writer's block (ex. Now) I just go do whatever and chill; the ideas come to me when they come to me^^ If you force yourself to write, you'll just end up with a chapter you're not happy with and it'll just frustrate you even more.

13seconds #5
omg yes. cockroaches. eww i just can't emphasize enough how much i hate slimy and insects that fly. actually all insects are stupid stuff. /hides
Ugh -shivers- Don't even get me started with bugs!! Bleh :P
Anyways, for writer's block I usually lay down and listen to music and make up scenes that go along with the story and music. LOL But beware which song your listening to. XD Good Luck!!~
I hate cockroaches too. But not as much as I hate spiders XD
Lovechild1015 #8
Writers block? Maybe u can hv some refreshing time by going for a holiday or doing things that u loved the most :D

Omg i hate insects especially cockroach too!!
I've ever had a cockroach climbed up my legs when I'm in shower!! Asdfghjkl!!!!
I can feel goosebumps everytime i remember those incident, even now I'm feeling it -____-
well, there are those adopt-a-fic stories that help you generate ideas...