Who should be the secondary male lead?

I know I planned on doing a Kris story as my next big project, but I'm working on the outline and, well, I'm stuck. However, the outline for the Kai story I had planned is nearly complete. However, I am in the process of choosing someone to be the secondary male lead of the story, the one who will act as a foil to Kai's character. Whereas Kai is supposed to be introverted, quiet, contemplative, analytic and slightly withdrawn, the secondary male lead is supposed to be more social and approachable, the type of guy all girls can fall for because he's an all-round good guy. However, beneath that, I want there to be some sort of darkness to him, as well, to juxtapose Kai's quiet personality and inward light. 

So far, I've narrowed my choices down to these three, which I have chosen because I think I can spin them to match the character description I want, they are similar to Kai's age, and I think I can write them easily according to the personality I want to assign them. I am leaning toward Moonkyu since he is not a debuted idol and therefore people don't know too much about him, easier to put my own spin on him. At one point, I considered Taemin, but I didn't like the idea of him hiding something dark inside himself, I love him too much.

From here on, it's for you to vote for.

HOWEVER! You may also, if you wish, suggest another person to me, preferably one who is close to Kai's age. Just comment below with your suggestion :) Thank you!




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dunno girl, but i voted for moonkyu because it'll be more interesting that way. more flexible and stuff (since i have a diff headcanon view of sehun...) that and the fact that moonkyu is a friend of kai (or so they say) and wait, he ain't at sm anymore??
sehun! boted ;)
I think because moonkyu didn't debut and still a mestry he will fit more. Sehun will be shipped through out the whole thing , even moonkyu's name is kind of perfect for this. But whatever u chose u will do GREATTTT FIGHTING
when you say the second lead's character is more social and approachable but there's some sort of darkness in him, i thought of... Woohyun LOL!!! but then when i read that he would be the same age as Kai, Sehun popped out in my mind out of nowhere~ :3
WAHT are you doing a Kai story or a Kris story? Thankyouthankyouthankyou omg already I'm really looking forward to this!! :-D

I voted Moonkyu! LOL but Sehun is winning - why though? He doesn't even suit the type of character you described! Is that how you people see Sehun? With some inner darkness in him?!?!?! :c OTL
Foil eh.. Hm, I'm Totally Voting Moonkyu.