Application for ♥Guardian Fairies♥ (INCOMPLETE)



Username-  Hey, Leanna here!

Name or Nickname- Leanna

Activeness-  7

Who am I?

Full Name- Park Hye Rang

Nickname- Nana ( Her grandmother use it first, and it kind of stuck to her ^^) , Kitten (Why? Because she absolutely ADORES them! Problem? Heehee jk no offence ^w^)


Birth Town- (Where you were born?)

Hometown- (Where you lived?)

Birthday- (Month/Day/Year)

Age- (Leader and Maknae)

Height- (cm or ft)

Weight- (kg or lb)

Appearence- (Ulzzang name, Example 1. or [1] Do Hwe Ji. 3 or more links)

Appearence Backup- (Ulzzang name, Example- 1. [1] Do Hwe Ji. 3 or more links)

Style- (A little paragraph or so and some pictures if you like)

About Me!

Personality- (Please be long and detailed)

Background- (Family or past. Long and Detailed)

Likes- (5 or more. Things you like, not what you do)

Dislikes- (5 or more)

Hobbies- (5 or more)

Habits- (2 or more)

Trivia- (5 or more)

People Important to Me!

Parents- [Name l Relationship l Age l Job l Alive? l Powers? (No over exagerated) l Contact? lExtra]

Siblings- [Name l Relationship l Age l Job l Alive? l Powers? (No over exagerated) l Contact? l Extra] (can be idols. 2 Max)

Friends- [Name l Relationship l Age l Job l Alive? l Powers? (No over exagerated) l Contact? l Extra] (Can be Idols. 2 Max)

Bestfriends- [Name l Relationship l Age l Job l Alive? l Powers? (No over exagerated) l Contact? l Extra] (Can be Idols. 2 Max)

Enemies/Rivals- [Name l Relationship l Age l Job l Alive? l Powers? (No over exagerated) l Contact l Extra] (Can be idols 2 Max)

Why?- (Reasons)

Stage Life

Stage Name- (Be Creative and REAL)

Persona- (Be Creative and REAL)

Fanclub Name- (Have Fun)

Fanclub Color- (Doesn't matter)

Position- (Number Them) (Example- [1], [2], [3, etc.] )

[ ] Triple Threat

[ ] Lead Rapper/Sub Singer

[ ] Lead Dancer/ Sub Rapper

[ ] Lead Singer/Sub Dancer

[ ] Lead Singer/ Main Rapper

[ ] Lead Rapper/ Main Singer

Extra Talents- (Max 2)

[ ] Song Writter

[ ] Visual

[ ] Fashionista

[ ] Model

[ ] Actor

[ ] Sub Leader

Trainee Life

Trainee Years- (2 or more)

How you got accepted in SM?- (Short paraghraph)

Did anything special?- (CF, Background Dancing, etc.)

How were you treated?- (Bullied, good, bad, etc.)

How you acted?- (Listener, Rebellion, etc.)


Partner- (EXO Members)

Back-up Partners- (4 partners. Ex- 1. or [1] Kai)

Relationship with Partner- (Freinds, Siblings, Partners)

Acted with one another?- (Ignore, Close, etc. Beginning )

Acted with one another?- (Ignore, Close, etc. Later on in the story)

Love Life

Lover- (Anyone but EXO members prefered)

How you meet?- (How you want to meet?)

Lover Personality- (His personality)

Actions- ( How you act to one another?)

Relationship Status- (Friends, Lovers etc. At the beginning)

Relationship Status- (Friends, Lovers, etc. Later on in the story)

Love Trouble

What type?- (Love Triangle, Past, etc.)

With who?- [Name l Relationship l Age l Job l Powers? (No over exagerated) l Extra] (Can be idol)

Resolved or not?- (How it get resolved)

Actions- (How you act to one another during the trouble?)


Comments- (Anything you like Or dont?)

Scene Request- (Anything. I will try my best)

Extras- (Anything else?)

Anything i miss?- (????)

Password- (Is there one ? ^-^)




Main- (Extra power)

Extra Main- Other main power (ONLY if you want to)               <----- Added :D Other is a MUST

Sub- (Healing on body, underwater breathing, etc.)

Affects- (Affects to your body?)


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