Alphabet Survey


Credits: AegyoMinNy   


A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.)- Single
B: Birthday- May 31,1999             
C: Crushing on-
My Bias /slap/ wait it's Love, so i'm not crushing on anyone right now
D: Drink you had last- Fresh Milk and Water
E: Easiest person(s) to talk to- No one
F: Favorite song- BAP'S Crash
G: Grossest memory- That's a secret
H: Hometown- Philippines, Cebu
I: In love with- Kim Minseok A.K.A Xiumin
J: Jealous of- Those people who is paired with Xiumin =w=
K: Killed someone- Nevahhh
L: Longest friendship- Me And AJ, We were Bestfriends for 5 years and it stopped this year D':
M: Milkshake flavor- Chocolate?
N: # of siblings-  4 inlcuding me! 2 girls and 2 boys
O: 1 wish- Have Fairly Odd Parents
P: Person you last called- My father?
Q: ?'s you always ask- Whut? < - - - that's the one
R: Reason to smile- Happy day or no Classes
S: Song last listened to- Juniel ft. Yonghwa's Fool ( i'm listening to it right now )
T: Time you woke up- 8 something
U: Underwear color?- Light brown
V: Violent moment you had- I don't remember, i think it was when i get irritated or annoyed
W: Worst habit- Staring at an empty space for a long time D: And i still do that now, i space out quite a lot
X: X-rays you had-  NONE :D
Y: Your last time you cried- I think it was in November, when i saw the votes in Mama. Exo was losing and yeah i cried . . . Stupid right?
Z: Zodiac sign- Gemini




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let me try this too. :D
you cried because of the mama results?
You reveal your underwear color? XD
Oh, btw, 1999? We're in the same age, dear <3