Survey stolen from Mintykyu!


1. What is the youngest age you can remember back to?: mmmmm 3 years? When I broke my arm .__.


2. What sports are you trying out for this year?: Nothing actually... but I really like to practice karate sometime C:


3. Did you wear your hair in a ponytail today?: no.. just when I feel like xD


4. Who do you have on speed dial?: Not really, I think I do, but I don't use it


5. What colors do you like to paint your toenails?: black or saphire blue~! ;D


6. Would it be cool to learn how to DJ at a club?: it would be interesting....


7. Where are you going to be 3 hours from now?: considering it's 3pm... maybe still here updating xD


8. What job would you NEVER take, even as a last resort?: Anything to do with dirt, math, and science. (I at science and math and I don't like to get dirty.... sometimes)


9. If you broke your computer, would you be able to fix it on your own?: HELL no o.o but my brother does xD


10. If someone looked in you closet, how would they judge your style?: hummm.... some boyish style... and yet a little girlish (because of my heels xD)


11. What was the tiest hotel you've ever stayed at and why?: I don't remember....


12. Have you ever gone on a boat and been sick the whole time?: Haven't been on one u.u


13. Did you get a good sleep last night?: No.... woke up at 4 am and couldn't go back to sleep u.u


14. What is the weather like outside?: a little cold and cloudy (love it~!)


15. If someone makes a grammar or spelling mistake do you ignore or correct it?: depends of how lazy I am xD


16. Do oversized sunglasses actually look good on you?: Yep OuO


17. What is the most overrated thing in the world?: those stupid pop singers of nowadays O.O


18. Have you heard any completely untrue rumors about yourself lately?: rumors? not really. I'm not that famous xD


19. What is one word to describe your room?: Well... messy xD


20. If you found a wallet with cash in it on the street, what would you do with it?:I really don't know. Normally I would say take it to the cops, but even the cops are thieves ><


21. Have you ever kept something from the wild as a pet?: no o.O


22. What grades did/ do you usually get in school?: B's and A's in english. now... C's and D's (sometimes F's O.O) in the rest of classes ><


23. What is the worst lie you've ever told and gotten away with?: That I didn't do anything... and that I would quit on it (something I said to my brother a few years ago...)


24. Do your parents try to plan out your future for you?: something like that.... well not really n.n


25. Do you think that surveys are a huge waste of time?: It distracts me xD


26. Are you wearing a hoodie today?: No. But I will later xD


27. How many songs do you have on your music player?: Cell phone... over 100. in my iPod... over 1000. and in my computer... over 2000.... yeah... a lot xD


28. What is one thing you'd change about yourself?: my chest... maybe. NAH  not really


29. What is one thing your parent's are always nagging you about?: Being online too much and cleaning my room xD


30. What is the last thing you laughed about?: right now... when I was talking with my best friend


31. Are you embarrassed to talk about stuff with your dad?: depends.... O.O


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