Inspiration Feels~ I Need You

I've already started writing 2 fics~ both for the same contest~ both unfinished because I lost interest in them quickly T_T


I go like "Ooohh~! I have an idea"  Write for a few minutes to an hour and then "I don't feel like it anymore."  and opens a new blank document again X_X


Writing is supposed to relieve me from stress but now, it's giving me stress.  This is not good @____@


Perhaps, I should lay off from contests for a while except for the two contests where my name is already written as one of contestants~ 


On the brighter note, I love Secret's Talk That.  I couldn't stop replaying the song.  I was surprised at how Zinger was very pretty in the music video.  I've never really liked her much before but I found her prettiest in this MV~ a tie with Jieun for once since I've always found Jieun to be the prettiest though my bias is Hyosung because I like the way she dances but I don't seem to like her dance break much in this song.  Perhaps my mind will change when I see it live.


Gonna look for some nice fics to read and de~stress myself~


Edit:  I think I now know why I can't write anything properly.  There's a lot of negative energy at home right now.  If it's going to be just this way, I wish I was in the office instead.  At least I would be productive doing work and earning money while getting stressed there -_- 


When I say negative energy, it's my mom being angry at me even if it's not directed at me, the negative energy still spreads anyway which puts me in a bad mood as well, so I can't write anything properly.


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your head will explode
take it easy, time can solve anything or make it better at least, don't push yourself, just relax your mind, everything will get fine! fighting!
o3o <3 relax~ <3 chu can do et~ ^^<3 hwaiting~ sorry, I'm not useful right now. The only thing I'm capable of doing is cheering you on. ^^;;
Take a break from writing. Thats the best thing to do.
hae_ki #5
hmmmm... unsa pa gani to nga contest ako gi-apilan? lol lol...
syet~ maghimo pa sad ko...

cgeh nlng na si tita. samoka pd ni tita oi~ sorry tita. wla lng.. na-feel pd na nako

geh lang jishu.. idea will make a way. when there seems to be no way.
That's happening to me right now too. I lost inspiration for It's All Lies. >.<
Hopefully you'll get inspiration again soon! :)
ugh I just wanna cry because right now I have to complete this fic for a contest and I still owe you two fics.
keep calm dude. that's what is happening to me right now. ==" OTL.
don't worry it'll come back soon. just don't force yourself. and yes, you could stay away from those contests for a while... that'll help you... kkkkk