EXO Quiz. :)


♦ Pick your top 5 biases and answer the questions

  • Chanyeol

  • Lay

  • Suho

  • Kyungsoo

  • Kai


♦ What do you like about 4?

His eyes and his voice. >_______<

 Is 2 an alcoholic?

I guess not.

♦ Can 1 sing?

I believe he's better at rapping. ^^

♦ Is 5 in a relationship?

If I'm not mistaken, he has a girlfriend. 3

♦ Would you go out with 3?

ahsgdfhgaskd SUREEEEE!

♦ Is 2 hot?
Which one of them isn't hot? -____- They're all hot. :p

♦ Can 3 cook?

I think so...

♦ What do you like about 1?

I. Freaking. Love. Everything. About. Him. Even his smiles. >___<

♦ Has 4 had any solo albums?

None. But he's really good at singing. ^^

♦ Would you set-up pair 2 and 5 together?

It depends. XD

♦ Do you think 3 would be a good parent?

He would. Definitely. ^^

♦ What do you like about 2?

The way he dances, the way he sings, the way he smiles, his dimples... Everything. :)

♦ Would 3 take drugs?

He's not that kind of person...

♦ Would you bail 4 out of jail?

Though there's no reason for him to be there, sure! :)

♦ Has 2 ever been on reality tv?


♦ Out of 1 and 5, who would be more likely to ask you out?

Chanyeol, for me, is the most out-going person.^^

♦ Is 5 tall?


♦ Do you like 4’s current hair style?

Nothing changed that much. 

♦ Is 2 gay?

Hell. No. But he's Lay. (got it? /slapped)

♦ Would 3, 4 and 2 have a cross-dressing show?

Maybe. And it'll be a funny sight to see. >___<

♦ Would 1 go skinny dipping?

I dunno...

♦ Does 3 remind you of anyone you know?

I can't, and don't, compare then to anyone I know. So, no one. :D

♦ Would 5 watch ?

He's a guy. It's understandable. ^^

♦ Would you marry 1 but then have them divorce you 6 months later; marry 2 but have them run away a year later; date 3 but then lose them in a car crash a year later; date 4 but then break up 2 years later or sleep with 5 and have them or you pregnant?

I think I'll just go with dating D.O. and breaking up with him after 2 years. I really don't know. T________T


stolen. asdfghjkloove


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Is 2 gay?
Hell. No. But he's Lay.