AFF survey :D


[ 1 ] What is your username?
AegyoMinNy for sure, keke ^^ 
[ 2 ] Do you read or write fanfics? 
Both, keke :DD I use to read more than write but now it's equal!
[ 3 ] When did you first start reading/writing fanfics?
I read before I got into AFF though~ I started to write when I finally become an AFF-er, on 21st July.
[ 4 ] What was your first fandom?
ELF - SuJu love! But now the OT12 ruined it, I'm not loyal TT.TT
[ 5 ] First ship?
I had never ship anybody, but the first ship I know was HunHan ^^
[ 6 ] What website(s) do you use the most?
AFF for sure! <3
[ 7 ] What do you think of AFF?
A place where fan trolls, keke XD
[ 8 ] What groups have you written?
EXO, just EXO. I'm biased, tehee~
[ 9 ] Pairings?
YongSeo? <3 <3
[ 10 ] Any groups you would like to write?
I would like to write? IDK, maybe ... B1A4? Keke, CNU <3
[ 11 ] Do reviews affect how you write a story?
IDK, I had no idea about this. But I don't think I deserve a review, I'm not very good in writing fics...
[ 12 ] Do you use a beta?
[ 13 ] What ratings do you read/write?
General and family-like for stuff I write but M for the one I read. Honestly, I won't subscribe to that M-rated fic although I like it so much because I'm still under-age... >>I'm nasty<<
[ 14 ] What warnings have you used on your fanfic(s)?
Don't plagiarize and yeah~
[ 15 ] Do you have any squicks?
What's that? O.O
[ 16 ] Do you roleplay online?
[ 17 ] Have you ever stolen something from another person's work?
No and I wish never :)
[ 18 ] Favorite fandom to write/read?
EXOtics and a few SeoBaby's ^^
[ 19 ] Favorite pairing?
I like all of them, but none of them was my favourite~
[ 20 ] Favorite writer(s)?
What kind of writer? Blog? If it's blog then maybe ... madz67! ^^
[ 21 ] How long should a chapter be?
Doesn't really matter to me, but normal should do it. Too long chapters made my head dizzy >.<
[ 22 ] Do you read/write drabbles?
[ 23 ] Any groups you avoid?
Sorry to say, but INFINITE. It's because they're awesome, and, like I just said before, I'm not loyal. I might dump EXO if get into INFINITE~
[ 24 ] Pairings you avoid?
[ 25 ] Warnings you avoid?
None, I guess.
[ 26 ] Do the number of reviews tell how good a fanfic is?
Not really~
[ 27 ] What do you think of Mary Sue?
I don't know, keke 
[ 28 ] Have you ever flamed someone?
[ 29 ] Have you ever been flamed?
Not yet, maybe. *phew*
[ 30 ] How many fanfics have you written?
Currently, 7 and 1 on hiatus~
[ 31 ] What genres do you write or read?
Mainly romance and cute ones! I love writing kid's love stories ^^
[ 32 ] What story of yours has the most comments and how many?
I'll count later, keke~
[ 33 ] Most words?
Which also meant, the most chapters huh? Currently, My Love Story With... Bacon? -- 20 chapters and yeah.
[ 34 ] Which one do you like the best?
I like them equally! ^^
[ 35 ] Which one do you like the least?
#34 :DD
[ 36 ] What do you think of hetero fanfics?
Normal, and my choice >.<
[ 37 ] Slash/?
No. A big no,no dear~ *Don't hit me*
[ 38 ] Favorite hetero pairing?
Yong~~~~~~ Hyun~~~~~~ kekeke 
[ 39 ] Favorite slash pairing?
[ 40 ] What are your favorite genre?
Fluff and especially when there is Sehun, keke ^^
[ 41 ] Will you read someone's fanfics if they asked you to?
Depends, but I'll try my best to! ^^
Stolen from : madz67 --> Just saying here, but I still wondering her age~ Anybody knows about it? keke ^^


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