About Me


Where were you 3 hours ago? School

2. Who are you in love with? Myself and a man called Seunghyun

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? The album! Yes!

4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? YES my duvet

5. When is the last time you went to the mall? yesterday

6. Are you wearing socks right now? Nope

7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000? Yes

8. When was the last time you drove out of town? I don’t drive out of town

9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? yes

10. Are you hot? I think so yeah :p

11. What was the last thing you had to drink? Water

12. What are you wearing right now? Leggings and a Lion T-shirt

13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? Let the car wash do it,  have never washed my own car O.o

14. Last food that you ate? Sandwich

15. Where were you last week at this time? On my bed doing homework probably

16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? A jacket

17. When is the last time you ran? Just now from the hallways to my room

18. What's the last sporting event you watched? Manchester United vs Queen Park’s Rangers

19. What is your favorite animal? I’m not really fond of animals since the scare the hell out of me but I think horses, puppies and tigers are cute

20. Your dream vacation? Greek

21. Last person's house you were in? Alex’s

22. Worst injury you've ever had? Never really got that hurt but I sprain my ankles or wrists once in a while

23. Have you been in love? Once and crushes like a zillion

24. Do you miss anyone right now? My friends back home

25. Last play you saw? Lion King

26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite ? Confidence and a smile :p

27. What are your plans for tonight? Read a book

28. Who is the last person you sent a Tweet message or comment? odessa12597

29. Next trip you are going to take? New York Cityyyyyyyy

30. Ever go to camp? Yes I love camping

31. Were you an honor roll student in school? Half of the time yes

32. What do you want to know about the future? Who is my spouse :p

33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? No I dislike perfumes

34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit? Nope just got my check up last month

35. Where is your best friend? NEW YORK CITY .. Kuwait

36. How is your best friend? Awesome

37. Do you have a tan? Nope

38. What are you listening to right now? Nothing

39. Do you collect anything? SHOES, CLOTHES, ACCESSORIES and books

40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know? Everyone I guess, but my brother would be the biggest LOL

41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over? I cant remember but I was late for a final and was driving really fast BUT I didn’t get a ticket BUWAHAHAHA

42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? Yeah but not from the bottle, I prefer drinking from the bottle

43. What does your last text message say? AYO! Where is my sketch?

44. Do you like hot sauce? Nope, I can’t stand spices

45. Last time you took a shower? Yesterday

46. Do you need to do laundry? NOPE

47. What is your heritage? Mixed Asian + Caucasian

48. Are you someone's best friend? YES

49. Are you rich? I’m never broke so I guess it counts as being rich :p

50. What were you doing at 12AM last night? Tucked into bed 


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