I have never been so scared before...

Last night I was all alone in our flat when I was woken by a scream.

Our neighbour's flat from the front was on fire and the difference between our flats are 5 ing meters. I saw the flames getting stronger roof and the live coals covering my attic windows. It was really scary, believe me, plus I was all alone. I stood in front of the windows for some minutes shivering, then I put on my coat and flipflops to help the neighbour to get out the expensive and useful stuffs from their flat. I guess I'm a hero. Hahaha, joking. But I think everyone would have done the same in my place. The sad thing that after I helped them I smelled crazily and showering for 5 times didn't help at all. Furthermore, I was not dressed warmly (We had our first snow this winter yesterday, yay~) and I got totally sick by the morning.
The saddest thing in this is that the ing police and fire brigade only arrived 30 minutes after the fire started, so the loss is big for my neighbours. Also, they were so annoying with peeking out from a hole like birds...
Anyway, let's be happy that no one is hurt. The only picture I took is this. It was already in the morning and the main spot of the fire was behind the roof.


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CLoverAya #1
Glad no one got hurt :)