eighttwoeighttwo [8282]

  1. My friends see me as: Ice Cream –Hyuna (my diamond ring, so bling bling)
  2. My make out song is: Map to the Future – Uta No Prince-Sama (kiss me darling)
  3. My day will be like: Stop Girl – U-Kiss
  4. I’ll have a good day as long as I hear: I Need You – Kim Sunggyu
  5. Next time I’m in front of a crowd, I’ll say: Another Me – Kim Sunggyu
  6. My message to the world has always been: Beautiful Night - BEAST
  7. Somewhere in my wedding vows, I will include: I Don’t Need a Man – Miss A (uh...!)
  8. My best friend is like: History – Exo M (what the...!)
  9. My alter-ego is: Stand Up – J-Min
  10. Right now, I feel: White – White (Pink Dolls)
  11. My innermost desire is: I’m Missing You – D-Unit
  12. What makes me happy is: Only One - BoA
  13. My birth was like: Only Tears – Kim Sunggyu (you don’t say)
  14. My theme song is:  One of a Kind – G-Dragon (yes sir, I’m one of a kind) 
  15. My deepest secret is:  I Will Show You - Ailee 
  16. If I reached the top of Mount Everest, what I would scream:  Maxstep – Younique (bring it on!) 
  17. My favorite thing to do is:  60 Seconds – Kim Sunggyu 
  18. The story of my life is:  I Remember – Bang Yong Guk ft Daehyun 
  19. At my funeral they’ll play:  Midnight Sun - BEAST 
  20. Behind my back, my friends think:  That XX – G-Drag  on (OMG!) 
  21. If I got lost on a desert island, I would yell:  Nillili Mambo – Block  B 
  22. When I’m in the shower I sing: Shine – Kim Sunggyu
  23. My love life was inspired by the song: Ma Boo – T-ara
  24. High school was like: Believe – U-Kiss
  25. My family is described by this song: Poison – Secret (O_O)
  26. How will you die: 40th – Kim Sunggyu
  27. To cheer myself up: Phoenix – ZE:A
  28. What will you call this: 8282 - Davichi


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