"Absolute" Application



Your Info ☆


AFF username: kyung1903

AFF profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/55046

Name: Kyung


Character Info 


Character name: Shin JaeKyu

Nickname[s]: Jay

Age/Birthday: 18, August 18, 1993

Height and weight: 183cm, 58kg

Blood type: O

Nationality:pure Korean

Language Spoken:English (medium), Japanese & Chinese(basics), Korean (fluent)







Ulzzang Name: Park Jae Hyun









JaeKyu is the mysterious and cool type who usually just stays silent in most of the situations especially around strangers he doesn’t know. He can be understanding and is a good listener when he wants to. He’s very athletic who loves basketball and soccer. He spends his time mostly listening to his mp3 or even dancing when no one’s around. When he starts something, he’ll never give up on it. He hates losing and is very competitive in everything. He’s very outgoing and loves being the centre of attention.He’s mature for his age because of his looks and calm personality. Although he's mature, he likes to tease girls, and often winks at them. He loves going to the beach with his buddies and members. He's honest all the time, even if he is asked about his ideal type, he'll spill everything. That doesn't mean he spill secrets if you told him any. He never breaks promises and will always fulfill wishes. He'll go to each CD Shop or a merchandise shop to search for the group's Albums and merchandises. He sometimes get caught by the fans or even gets mistaken as a crazed fanboy. He gets along with the other members pretty well but when they're awkward, he's awkward too.





Playing basketball and soccer


Surfing the internet

Composing songs (mostly raps)

Playing the guitar



his lips when he’s nervous

Drinks lots of water when nervous

Hugging onto something to fall asleep

Smiling widely when he’s feeling happy/hyper

Rulffles the members' hair





Watching tv



Acting cute

Taking selcas

Annoying people

Being told what to do/getting ordered around



Has a blood type O but often get mistaken to be Blood type AB because of his personality

He plays the guitar

He can beatbox

He's very good at tongue twisters

He has a twitter account (ahah lol)

He dated 3 girls before debut

He's a crazed fanboy of G.Na

When he's out at a date, he'll take the girl to go cycling (well actually he rides the bike & the girl just sits behind him holding onto his waist <3)

He always have 'cheezy' quotes

He has an amazing smile even though he frowns a lot

He has two ear piercings

Can imitate a dance just by watching it twice

Knows how to cook certain dishes (Kimchi, Omelette, Instant Noodles, Fried Rice)


Family Background ☆


Family history and relationship:

He was a Straight A's student since he was a kid, ever since his brother who went into the Entertainment Industry when Jay was 8, Jay's grade dropped instantly. He was so used to being around his brother, he became gloomy and has no interest in studying anymore. He almost got expelled out of his school, but he managed to get out of the situation by going to extra classes on school holidays. His parents were never home so they didn't know much about it. When Jay turned 10, his parents died in a car accident. It struck his life completely. Even his hyung, Soohyun was shocked because of it. His hyung let Jay stay with him and they rarely spend time together. Jay became mute for 3months until he went to a psychiatrist and his so-called disease got treated. When Jay turned 15, he started working at a mini-Cafe (yes, he was underage but he doesn't care, even the manager doesn't care about it) and got two jobs there, being a waiter and entertainer, at the same time, he attended school.


Parents and Siblings Names and age:

Dad: Shin Dong Yoon, 53

Mom: Ahn Hyo Min, 49

Hyung: Shin Soohyun (U-KISS), 22


Stage Info ☆


Stage name: Jay

Group persona: Mature Jay

Position aiming for: Main Rapper

Individual Fanclub Name: none

Why did you choose this Fanclub Name: none

Individual Fanclub Color: Turquoise

Trainee history: 3 1/2 years

How did they discover you: Jay was performing a mini song in the Café he worked in just to entertain the guest and customers. There, an agent walked up to him and introduced himself to be a scout.

Personal Talent: Rapping and dancing

Other occupation: waiter/entertainer at a Cafe


Personal Life ☆


Love interest: Krystal Jung f(x)

Personality: acts cute around her members and family, serious when singing, dancing, skating, etc but she’s really soft, gentle and kind when off-stage.

How you meet: Met her at the backstage of Music Bank when Jay followed his hyung, Soohyun to rehearsals.


Friends: Junhyung, BEAST

How you meet them: childhood buddies when they were kids, their mom are friends and they were introduced to each other.


Best friends: Lee Taemin, SHINee

How do you meet them: They both met when they enrolled in a dance class, since they were both born in 93, they're off to a really good start, soon they became friends with each other.


Rivals: Junhyung, BEAST

Why?: because of his ferocious and amazing rapping skills. Even though they’re friends, Jay considers him as a rival since they kept on competing who’s better at rapping and dancing.




Suggested Fanclub Name: Perfectionists? Idk.

Comment Wild Reactions/ Suggestions: none (:


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