Survery Istole




[ 1 ] What is your username?
I dunno

[ 2 ] Do you read or write fanfics?

I don't do too much of either now. Why am I still here?


[ 3 ] When did you first start reading/writing fanfics?

Sixth grade


[ 4 ] What was your first fandom?

I dunno


[ 5 ] First ship?

Me and your mom


[ 6 ] What website(s) do you use the most?



[ 7 ] What do you think of AFF?

98% of the people on here are not ones I would like to talk or interact with. Almost every fic is cliche and awful. One would need to be high to put up with all this. The website itself is great (kudos to Jason), but just people. Sometimes I wonder how they get along in life.


[ 8 ] What groups have you written?

Super Junior. Block B, MBLAQ, Teen Top, some others


[ 9 ] Pairings?

I haven't gotten far enough before giving up.


[ 10 ] Any groups you would like to write?

I gave up with writing. I don't want to have to deal with those people.


[ 11 ] Do reviews affect how you write a story?

Depends on the reviewer


[ 12 ] Do you use a beta?



[ 13 ] What ratings do you read/write?

I'll give examples with published books. Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. I don't care what their rated. Their fictional. Some here though. Just no. "I ripped through the entrance to her ." No. That's not how it works.


[ 14 ] What warnings have you used on your fanfic(s)?

I tag them as M


[ 15 ] Do you have any squicks?
All of them


[ 16 ] Do you roleplay online?

I gave up.


[ 17 ] Have you ever stolen something from another person's work?



[ 18 ] Favorite fandom to write/read?

If you look at my subs on you'd see a whole lot of video games. CORTANA'S ING HOT


[ 19 ] Favorite pairing?

I dunno


[ 20 ] Favorite writer(s)?

George R. R. Martin


[ 21 ] How long should a chapter be?

Long enough so I can't see the entire thing without scrolling


[ 22 ] Do you read/write drabbles?

I like longer books. I read too fast.


[ 23 ] Any groups you avoid?

Almost every mainstream group. You're gonna have a bad time if you start looking there for good fics.


[ 24 ] Pairings you avoid?

Refer to above answer and replace "group" with "pairing".


[ 25 ] Warnings you avoid?

Ones that have plagiarize spelt wrong.


[ 26 ] Do the number of reviews tell how good a fanfic is?
One can easily spam a bunch of review shops.


[ 27 ] What do you think of Mary Sue?
She'd be easy to .


[ 28 ] Have you ever flamed someone?

Your mom


[ 29 ] Have you ever been flamed?

I burnt my hand on my mom's hair thing. Yes, that's what flamed means.


[ 30 ] How many fanfics have you written?

I dunno


[ 31 ] What genres do you write or read?



[ 32 ] What story of yours has the most comments and how many?

That karma shop I used to have


[ 33 ] Most words?

I dunno


[ 34 ] Which one do you like the best?



[ 35 ] Which one do you like the least?

I dunno


[ 36 ] What do you think of hetero fanfics?

I don't care


[ 37 ] Slash/?


[ 38 ] Favorite hetero pairing?
Your mom's s


[ 39 ] Favorite slash pairing?

Master Chief and Cloud 


[ 40 ] What are your favorite genres?



[ 41 ] Will you read someone's fanfics if they asked you to?

If someone tells me to read something they have lost all chances of me reading something by them ever.



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