Dirty Confession stolen from MikoPuff!


1. Are you a ?

Yes, Yup, Yeah


2. Which is your most confident body part?

My face haha


3. Did you have your first kiss yet?

My first, second and third..... ^^


4. How many boyfriends did you have?

when i was a kid, a couple, and im a player, but i dont have boyfriends XD


5. Do you miss someone right now?

my lover in mexico. its been a year. wow now im sad:(


6. Is there anyone you know that has committed suicide?

not really


7. Would you smoke?

i have, but no i would not. 


8. What's one thing that you regret doing in your life?

not taking risks sometimes


9. Do you find yourself smart or stupid?

smart, and immature haha


10. Which ranking was your class in out of the whole school?

i dunno, 


11. Do you wish there was someone that would love you in not the friend way?

Yea. -sigh-


12. What kind of electronics do you own? 

desktop, ipod touch, palm pre, uh htc phone, ipod video, hmmm tv? ps2


13. Do you have a diary?

yeah but i dont really use it


14. What are you wearing right now?

t shirt, jeans, gauges in my ears, and my new shoes yay


15. What was the most recent birthday present you bought?

i bought my friend some of her favorite things for her birthday, she really loved it


16. How old are you right now?

sixteen and a few months


17. Do you have any future jobs planned out?

no i can never decide, maybe a hooker? no no just kidding


18. How many songs do you have on your MP3?

1, 673 


19. Do you wear makeup?

Depends, on how i feel on certain days


20. Would you think that the person reading this survey would do this?

i guess


Hahaha, You prevy pedo. You wear trying to find out my secrets. But the title was a lie :p.

 now i feel like a y pedo haha. 

Credit to: ProdigyBo and MikoPuff


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Really mexico? i live here ^^ <br />
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hahaha, we all felt like y pedo's hahaha XD