Nippon Groove~

Yay, God, party hard~

So, here in Hungary we have Asian themed parties, Nippon Groove is one of these (However Shinshoku Fever is my favourite.), mainly JPop and KPop. So, we went there to party and it was awesome. ^__^
I didn't drink much, 4 cups of liquor, so like nothing because I'm used to its taste and my favourite drink is Chocolate liquor, so yeah. We arrived around 10 pm and the party was already on. I didn't really know the songs at the beginning, some short of KPop that I'm not into, Like U-Kiss, Block B or Sunny Hill. Then suddenly I heard: "2NE1, 2010." and everything went blank. I was running to the middle of the almost empty dancefloor and danced. Hahaha, people were joining me, so I guess I really started the party with my sudden bomb effect. Then later the DJ dropped some more songs from my girls, like I am the best, Fire, Please don't go, Kiss etc. There was a guy, a friend of mine, SunJun. Such a sweetie. He was dancing with us like y love was on and I know the coreo so I kind of didn't pay attention to anyone because of the excitement and all of sudden he was hugging me from the back. he was so cute dancing with us doing all the movements he knew from y love: robot dance, the pointing ones, y moves, everything. Later he danced to Roly Poly, Lovey Dovey and Lucifer too like crazy. I love this guy, he is so funny when he dances. Later when we were walking upstairs he said: "Hanna-shii, you look so umm... y today. Can I kiss you?" I'm so cruel, I was laughing at him so hard that I had to sit down and he had to wait for minutes for me to stop laughing. Sooo cute, come ooon, but I said no and his disappointed face was so cute~
Two hours later when I had to go out because of the inner weather another Korean guy found me. He just arrived to Hungary 2 days ago and he smelled like lemon, tequila and onion. I laughed my off, he was really drunk and said really nonsense things. >w<
And around 1 am, the best part came. A hyper super extra cute Korean girl appeared who ing looked like HyoYoung during her debut. Jesus, you sent her to me, right? You sent the non existing 3rd Ryu twin to me, hmm? Damn, she was cute and beautiful and y and perfect. I was staring at her from 2 meters but I was so shy not going there to dance with her while she was alone. Result, she went away in an hour. TT_____TT
No no no, guys, don't take it in the wrong way, I was just fangirling... But damn, she totally looked like HyoYoung:

We arrived to my friend's place at around 7 am and now I'm a zombie. @___@


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