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Allison Choi


`(  )—  personal

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Activeness ¦ 8

What should I call chu? ¦ Allie should be fine <3

`(  )— we  the  dynamite

Name: Allison Choi
*Nickname(s): Ally & Al
D.O.B: 22 April 1994
Ethncity: Korean
Birthplace: Es, England
Hometown: Es, England.
*Blood Type:  A
Languages: Korean, Fluent English, Basic Chinese and Basic French.
`(  )— who are you?
Personlity :  Allison or Ally, is simply unpredictable. She is not your typical 'Aegyo' or cute girl. She is not girly at all, yet, she's not boyish either. She have two personality. One is her good personality, her family and friend call it, her 'Normal mood' and another one is her bad personality, her 'Ally mood'. In her normal mood, she is cold and awkward. But she is also very polite, quiet, smart and very lady-like. But when her 'Ally mood' is on, she is a trouble maker, mischievous, confident, the escape master, a prankster... well, she's simply a ''. But she is just a lonely girl. Because of her lonely childhood, she made up all those other personalities. And over all those personalities, no one ever seen her cry or smile from the bottom of her heart. She know her own weakness, that's why she tried her best to be the best. She had closed her heart from feeling such as love.
Despite having so many friends, she have a very serious trust issue. Even her best friend now, she still have doubt at time. To gain her trust, you need to know her for at least half of her life time and never, I mean NEVER, broke her heart. Though gaining her trust is hard, braking her heart is as easy as breathing. Just lie, ignore, talk behind her back and hate her. She didn't show it, but she's extremely lonely. She doesn't cry like she use to anymore, but she is still lonely. She is always keeping a poker face, but when she's alone she talk to her self and she also have an imaginary friend call 'Velexine' -a unicorn who can talk (She ate rainbow and pooped out butterflies). She also claim that she talk and see all those 'paranormal' stuff. creepy... But it fits her personality, right?
Background : Mr and Mrs Choi found her on their door step on the 22nd of April. She was just a little baby. Mr and Mrs Choi  are Korean, living in England by that time. At first, Mr Choi thought Ally was a boy so he named her 'Allistor'. He bought her boys cloth and decorate her room as a boy room. She was treated like a boy until she was 10. Mrs Choi who thought 'Allistor' was a female name have no problem raising Ally as a boy, since she thought Mr Choi won't accept the fact that Ally was a girl. One morning, Ally woke up with blood on her bed sheet. She called her mother and father in panic. Mr Choi was shocked by the fact that his 'son' was on his 'period'. The first thing that came out of his mouth was. "You are a girl?!"
So after that accident, Mr Choi change her name to 'Allison' and start treating her as a girl. Oh yeah, about her childhood... Ally never knew her real parents. She grew up around a doctor and a business woman. They were very protective for Ally that they hardly let her out of the house ground. She use to have one childhood friend. His name is Liam. They were best friend. Until she relise that Liam was the son of London most wanted gang leader. Liam kidnapped her and almost killed her. Ever since then, she never trust anyone anymore. And it also left Ally with a trauma of being touched by boys, except her dad.
Likes : [ Magic - Instrument - Cats - Dogs - Rabbit - Snow - Ice cream - books - music ]
Dislikes : [ Worms - Boys - summer time - school - alcohol - dirty jokes - jerks ]
Hobbies : [ Singing - dancing - playing piano - playing tennis - doing pranks on random people - reading ]
Habits : [ Looking down at the ground when someone talking to her - sweeps her hair back when she's reading - twirling her hair when she's paying attention on something - biting her index finger when she's nervous - adding 'yeah...' to the end of her sentence when she's talking to someone she hate.
Trivia : Have an anger issue. (punch random thing when she lose it) - she likes animal, but her parents never allowed her to touch 'em. Because they say 'every animal you touch die'. - She is a black belt in taekwando. -She had her first kiss when she was still year 8. - Big bang's TOP use to call her 'little angel' because they have a 'brother-sister' relationship. - If she like someone, she would lightly punch his/her arm playfully.
`(  ) —  we are family!

Family : Mr Choi (Choi Leewon ll 55 ll Doctor) Mrs Choi (Choi Haneul ll 54 ll Business woman )

Bestfriend : Secret's Zinger & F(x)'s Krystal

Friend : Naeun, Kai, Minzy & Sulli

Rival:  Suzy

Why would you two be rivals : Ally and Suzy always like to compete with each other. Proving that they are better then one another. But deep inside, they know that each other is good, that's why they was to be better.

`(  )— noona is so pretty
Ulzzang Name: Mikki
Linkeu: I ll Love ll Mikki ll She ll is ll so ll pretty
Backup ulzzang name: Kwon Su jeong
Linkeu : She ll is ll also ll very ll pretty
Clothing style: Urban and funky.
[dorm] 1 ll 2 ll 3
[airport] 1 ll 2 ll 3
[casual] 1 ll 2 ll 3
[formal] 1 ll 2 ll 3
`(  )—  trainees to idols
Stage Name: Ally
Desired Position: Lead Vocalist and Sub rapper
Back up postion: Main Dancer, Lead rapper
Trainess years: 2 years
How did you enter the Entertainment? : Auditioning through an international audition by singing and does a little dance.
Fanclub name: Eilla (try spelling it backward XD)
Fanclub colour: Baby blue and grey
Self  Quotes : -I feel like I'm the worst, so I always act like I'm the best. <3
`(  )—  what is love?
Love Interest Name: Gongchan
Age: 19
Personality: A sweet guy to people he like but a bitter guy to people he hates.
How did you two act together? : Always fighting. But he started it! He hates Ally because she never gets his feeling, but Ally doesn't know that.
Backup Love Interest: Baekhyun
Age: 20
Personality: Same as above.

How did you two act together?: Same as above.


`( —  bye bye

Comments?: Uhm.... hi?

Suggestions?: Can you make Ally and Gongchan / Baekhyun be enemy until the end, when they confess to each other. IF I get in...




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