
Helllloooooo! I'm back as my cheerful self>__< My last blog, I was emo right? Well, it was  because of that bad news I received from my mom, and now I'm fine. Yesterday, I was emo almost for half of the day. But then, I went to my grandma's house because we would always have a family gathering on Saturday nights. My uncle bought me a necklace and my auntie bought me some cute clothes.


My stress started to ease a little bit and I was shocked that they had given me gifts. I mean why last night? Why the day when I was stressed. Aigoo~ I love them more now. It's like they knew I was in pain or something. Maybe they can read minds? Keke~ I'm starting to sound ridiculous.

After that, I started to play around with my 3 years old cousin. She's so cute! But, I wonder why she can't talk yet. She's 3 years old already but she can't talk yet? Is that normal? Lol, maybe it is. Bang Yongguk can only talk when he was 5 years old and look at him now, he's a rapper:P Omo, my cousin is gonna be a rapper? Hihi... that's cool.

So, I tried to teach her a few words. I said, "Sit. This is sit," I motioned for her to sit since she was hopping around. But then, she started to say, "." She kept on repeating "" and then she looked into her father's eye and said, ""... At that time, I was like OTL... I just sighed.

My uncle looked at me and said, "What were you trying to teach her?" I just huffed, "Sit not ." He just shook his head and joked, "I can never leave my child with you or she'll start swearing before she can even start talking." Whatever uncle! Swearing is still talking ya' know... Okay, I'll be a good cousin and teach her more words that are age-appropriate^^

Then, my auntie told me that I looked shorter than usual. What?!

I'm not short. People are abnormally tall. That's all. I'm normal!

Hmm, yeah, we always tease each other but I know she loves me to death. Yes, including that uncle of mine who's always teasing that I'm short too. Once, he called me and pretended that he couldn't see me even though I was in front of him. I punched his tummy. Heh, on your face! Lol, but they always give me a big laugh... I love them...

I'll end it here today. Rambling is now officially a must for everyone because for some reason it lessen the burden on my shoulder. Random-ness is certainly needed in life because people will die without it. Follow my advice, I'm the professer of random... yeah! Keke~ Excuse the insane teenager again, she has lost her mind due to the excessive intake of lollipop ;)

 Can you see that teddy bear? Yep, I have one exactly like thatXD That's why I love this GIF



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Haha, your cousin is so funny. >__<
I'm short too, don't worry~
btw, how many cm are you? o;
HAHAHA! lol, your intentions to teach your cousin are good but ended like that xD
..I often called 'shorty' in my family because I'm 156 =___=
I absolutely understand your feelings ;A;
And yes, I agree with you that random-ness is certainly needed in life. ^^
And I thought my little sister who is 164 cm was small (I'm 171 cm), but I live in the Netherlands, and we're one of the tallest countries XD But indeed, who knows, you might still grow!

Children can start talking from their 1st year. You have kids that start when they're 2 years, but 3 is late... Although you have children that wait with talking till they're 'perfect', and they just suddenly start talking in full sentences. So although it's a bit late, it's not abnormal (I think...). I follow Language Acquisition as a minor at the university, and I learned that it can happen, but not from which age it's abnormal or something...

I love how your gifs express how you feel at certain moments :) when I check for updates, I first read your post(s) :D
amanda13 #4
Lol .. the Sh*t part just made me roll on the floor , like literally .
yeah! randomness is needed in life. how can people not in their state of randomness when their starring out a window or wall..
yeah i'm 163 cm and that's super short TT_TT i know how you feel!
Haha omg the gifs are soo cool XD
What's your height in cm anyway? O.O
Glad to hear that you're feeling all better and gifts are always good. But no, it's not normal for a three year old not to talk. But hey she says ____ now.

My serious side thinks this:
She is in the crucial fase to learn a language Hope she catches up fast becuase research proved that if you don't learn to speak your first language before puberty starts you won't learn it ever again. You should see the movie Mockingbird don't sing.

Hehe ~ i am tall and not happy about it. I'd rather be short -.-

This is my longest comment to a blog post i think XD
you want to know who's short? me. i'm barely over 155 cm =="
13seconds #9
Hehe, your family sounds really fun. :D I laughed at that part where your cousin said . I mean how awesome is that? XD

And I'm short, okayy? :D
Pfft. I hate being short, maybe due to puberty reasons but yeah. I only grew ONE centimeter in three years! D'8
That's nothing. My sister who is two years old can say . well how abou that?? Lol
That's good that your happy again :)