100 Questions. ^.^ (Stolen Off OrangeCandy again XP) Thank Youu~


1. Name: Genesis

2. Nickname: Gen, Gen Gen, Grape *lol*

3. Age: 13

4. Male or Female: Female 

5. Primary School: Hmm...

6. Elementary school: Isn't that the same thing as ↑

7. High school: Hmmmm...

8. Hair color: Black (SO ASIAN!!)

9. Tall or short: Short 2 the MAX!!

12.Phone or Camera: Phone and Camera. 

13. Health Freak: Depends on the day.... HAHAHA

14. Orange or apple: Both But I eat Oranges these days (Srry Jassica)

15. Do you have a crush on someone: No

16. Eat or Drink: Eat and Drink. 

17. Piercings: None!! (Awesome that way!!!!)

18. Pepsi or Coke: Cokeeee~ ^>^



19.Been in an airplane: Yes

20.Been in a relationship: No

21.Been in a car accident: No

22.Been in a fist fight: No

23.First Piercing: Both Ears

24.First Best Friend: In the Philippines... 

25.First Award: Dance Trophy

26.First Crush: None. XP

27.First word: Mommy. 

29.Last friend you talked to in person: My Friends....

30.Last friend you texted: Jassica and Han!! 

31.Last friend you watched a movie with: Jassica, Han~ ^.^

32.Last food I ate: Asian Food...

33. Last movie you watched: Breaking Dawn Prt 2~~!

34. Last song you listened to: Super Junior- Mr. Simple!!

35. Last thing you bought: K-POP Stuff!!

 36. Last person you hugged: My 7 yr old Cousin!!




37. Food: Anything Nice and Sweet.

38. Drinks: Coke~~~~!

39. Bottoms: Anything comfy. ^.^

40. Flowers: Rose... 

41. Animal: Any cute ones and Wolves.... HAHAHA! 

42. Colors: Purple.

43. Movie: IDK. 

44. Subjects: None. 



45. Fell for someone so hard and got heartbroken? No

46. Celebrated Halloween? No

47. Had your heart broken? No

48. Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone? No

49. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? Yes

51. Eaten a whole standard sized pizza? YES!! IT WAS NICEEEEEEEE!!

52. Tried to do something, but couldn't succeed? Yes

53. Did something I regret? Yes

54. Broke a promise? Yes

55. Hid a secret? Yes

56. Pretended to be happy? Yes

57. Met someone who changed your life? Yes

58. Pretended to be sick? Yes but it was FAIL!! 

59. Left the country? I am on a different country....?

60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it? Yes

61. Cried over the silliest thing? No

62. Ran 5 miles? I wish... I totally wish... no... 

63. Went to the beach with your best friends? No

64. Got into an argument with your friends? Yes...

65. Hated someone? Yes...  The only thing I hate right now is a huge pile of unknown stuff I found under my bed. I don't know how long its been there. But it's really dusty and ancient... 

66. Stayed single for a whole year? Single so far in lifeee broo~ ^.^ Y FREE AND SINGLE. 




67. Eating: Chocolate

68. Drinking: Orange Juice...? 

69. Listening To: SHINee- The Reason.

70. Thinking about: The meaning of life.

71. Plans for today: Buying some food later and then sleeping...

72. Waiting for: Food to magically appear in front of me. 




73. Want kids: No

74. Want to get married: No

75. Careers in mind: Many... way too many...



76. Lips or eyes: Both...?

77. Shorter or taller: Average?.

78. Romantic or spontaneous: IDK.

79. Nice stomach or nice arms?: ...No Comment...

81. Hook-up or relationship?:  Relationship bcoz hook-ups are scary....

82. Looks or personality?: Personality. ^.^




83. Lost glasses/contacts: No

84. Snuck out of a house: No

85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: No

86. Kissed someone before:  My parents when I was a little girl... Well... not really... they kissed me... but... ... nvm...

87. Broken someone's heart: No

88. Been in love: No

89. Cried when someone died: No. 



90. Yourself: No

91. Miracles: Kinda

92. Love at first sight: Yes.

93. Heaven: IDK

94. Santa Claus: Yes... kinda... Maybe?... IDK




97. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: Yes. Friends~~!

98. Do you know who your real friends are?: Yes

99. Do you believe in God?: Yes. (Catholic like that~~!)

100. Would you change something in your life?: Yes. 


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