You are my pedo and mine only Review ☆


You are my pedo and mine only : Review 


Title: 3/5

Through the title, the reader can already tell what this story is about, without a single doubt. It's the type of story that cliche, the ones that the girlfriend doesn't want to share their boyfriends, which is normal since what girl would share their boyfriend.


Description and Foreward: 6/10

I originally was going to give you a 7, but the phrases to describe Minwoo revealed too much about the actual story. Like why reveal who falls in love with the girl at first sight, the author could have put Boyfriend together and wrote something about it, then the reader wouldn't know who's the male lead, it makes the story more mysterious. 
Also, the pictures were too big and took much too much space. Maybe make the picture smalll, so there's more room for other necessary things.



Poster: 3/5

The poster could have been better, but points given for using it since honestly, it's not a very good poster. The editing and the words are just off.


Chapter Tiltes: 4/5

Good title, doesn't reveal too much about the actual story.


Plot: 14/20

The story went back too fast. I understand that it's an one-shot. The plot for this story would have been better if it's an actual fanfic instead of a short one-short.
It's slightly cliche, the love at first sight love. On the other hand, it's not because no one would have thought up a creeper stalking a worker in a candy shop by using the toliet every hour. This is one seriously creative part. 


Flow: 7/10

The story went past WAY TOO FAST, excuse the caps, but seriously too fast. One day, Young Mi and Minwoo didn't even know each other. Literally, the next day, Minwoo confesses to her. Mined. 


Characters: 12/15

I know what Minwoo and Sulli's personality are like. However, I have no clue about Young Mi's personality. The story just didn't last long enough for me to comprehend everything. 


Font: 3/5

The author should choose to use a different font instead of the default one. Personally, I think the default font is extremely boring. The other ones provided are easier to read depending on the font size.


Grammar: 9/15

This story is seriously making me go crazy because of all the grammar mistakes. Firstly, the author should have used quotes when a character is saying something in the story. Also the story isn't a play or a drama. The format of the chapters act like it is when it's a script. 
Instead of using the dashes, the author could have just states like for example;
Me: -shook my head- Aniya.. -turn over to everyone- I bought cookies for you guys~!
"Aniya." Minwoo said shaking his head. He turn proceeded into turning, facing everyone. "I bought cookies for you guys!" He loudly announced. 
See how much better it is? Yes, no?


Enjoyment: 6/10

The story went too fast for me. It was hard to enjoy.
The author should have written this as an actual fanfic. 


Total: 67/100

Little Warrior's Shop



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