Questions...Again >.< (Stolen Off From OrangeCandy)


1:Apart from AFF, what do you like to do in your spare time?

Listen to music. ^.^

2:Name a favorite of each: food, drink, color.

Food: Rice, Grapes and Many More.... 

Drink: Orange Juice, Sweet Soy Milk, Anything Sweet... you know...

Colour: Purple... haha

3:If you married rich and your spouse gave you $100,000 a week, what would you spend it on?

Anything I need....?

4:Name a favorite of each: book, movie, tv show.

Book: Manga! ^.^ *nerd glasses* 

Movie: Hunger Games. *nerdier glasses* 

TV Show: Merlin. XP *nerdiest glasses on* 

5:If you were given the opportunity to spend 48 hours with absolutely anyone (living or dead), who would you spend it with and what would you do?

Many people in mind, my friend... many people...

6:Name a LEAST favorite of each: food, drink, color.


Drink: Soy Milk....?

Colour: Pink. 

7:What do you spend most of your money on?

(Refer to Question 3)

8:What kind of underwear do you prefer wearing?

Normal underwear...?

9:Name a LEAST favorite of each: book, movie, tv show.

Book: Many. 

Movie: Many. 

TV Show: N/A I don't watch any other shows other than Merlin. XP Cozz i'm nerd that way brooo. XP 

10:If you were sat on a plane beside your favorite celebrity, what would you do?

I'll try to Keep a good image....

11:What is the strangest thing you have in your room? (You are not allowed to explain why you own it.)

Prayer Table....

12:What is a weird habit you have, or people have told you have. (Weird, not bad. No nail biting or any of that nonsense.)

You tell me, my friend... 

13:What would you consider to be the biggest insult to yourself?

I don't know... 

14:What are five things you absolutely have to have in your dream house?

-A huge room full of food. 

-A huge room full of games and electronics. 

-A huge backyard 

-High Tech Computer... 

-A fly swat. 

15:If you could be reincarnated as any animal, which would you chose and why?

A Wolf.... Because..... They are Cool 

16:Which band (current or past) would you want to go on tour* with? (*Travel with, not preform with.)

SHINee or SNSD..... *SPAZZ*

17:Name a favorite of each: band, album, song.

Band: SHINee

Album: ... many... many... many.... 

Song: Ring Ding Dong, Lucifer, Julliette AND MORE!!!!~~

18:Why is your favorite band your favorite?

My favourite band is my favourite because they are my favourite. Enough said. shoo~ 

19:How many concerts have you attended? Which was your favorite? Least favorite? If none, who do you want to see live the most?

None~ T_T I'm such a dedicated fan, aren't I...?

20:What is one of your favorite song lyrics? (Who is it by?)

Lyrics..? As in... lyric meanings..? 


21:Who do you ship?

As in Couple Ship?


22:What band merch do you own? If any, whose is it and when did you get it? If none, whose do you wish you owned?

I got none~ I know... I'm such a loyal fan... T_T

23:How did you learn of the band that is currently your favorite?

I went on youtube...? 

24:What celebrity do you idolize the most?


25:Which member from which band would you most want to lather in nutella?

As in... a good thing...? Or a bad thing...? 


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Lol at the last question XD