Slit Mouthed Women... MOVIE xD

anyways.... the movie was cool, it has a motherly lesson its like.. dont hurt ur child otherwise they will hate u, or dont hurt ur child, u might ended up killing ur child, etc.

so.... it wasnt that creepy, in the end the lady was like can i talk to my child just once and alone, then she and her child made up and hug THEN SHE COUGHED O.O and then she became the slit-mouthed lady and... she killed her child and said AIM AT MY NECK... wow... how many mother does the spirit need to posses..? thats weird... well imma watch part 2 tomorrow its already night here gtg to sleep slee ya later everyone~! :D annyeong~!


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... you don't find that scary? hu... it sounds scary aaha ><