The Reason Why My Story Isn't Updated

1. My teacher in Algebra or let's call her "JIGGLY PUFF"

Like this:

She gives us a group project involving graphing polynomial functions and 3 exponential functions. Actually it was assigned by group, but my groupmates chose me as their leaders. And they are relying on me... HOW SWEET!! -_-

2.My Trigonometry/Statistics teacher. 

Did you know last thursday, she gave us a quiz about a topic that she doesn't even discissed yet. then the majority of us got a low score, including me. Then she embarassed all of the low-scorer students... HOW MEAN!!!  

We're like:

She gave us 5 item assignment about frequency distribution table with unknown mean, median, mode, Quartile, Decile and Percentile each.

How can she gave us that?? Just 1 item of that topic takes us almost 5 minutes to answer.. WOW!! Then she had given us project about angle of depression and elevation. We're also the one who will make our own problems and answers. We should also illustrate it. But it shouldn't be printed. Am I an artist? Drawing even a triangle is hard for me.. -_-

We're like:

3.My nagging aunt and uncle...

Don't know, they're just annoying..


4. The MAMA yesterday..

HAHAHAHA!! I have watched the whole MAMA thing yesterday, Waiting for the awards Super Junior might get....

And they have won 3 awards...

✏Best Line

✏Best Global Group

✏Album of the Year

               So proud on my boys....

My reaction about there awards 



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I feel you. The worst part of being a leader is your groupmates relying on you everything. That ! ><
You can finish all. FIGHTING! :D
after youve done your project, tell your teacher your groupmates didn't help
Statistics. =_________=