Heart to heart

I'm here again:) I feel kind of down right now because I just had a talk with my mom and she told me some bad news... Well, it's something personal and I can't talk about it here. I feel bad for her right now. Really bad. She's going through a lot and I know she wants to cry about it but she just smiled at me and started to talk about something funny.

Ugh! It hurts me more to look at her like that. But my family is like that. We cry alone and would hide it from each other. We always act crazy and everything in front of each other. I mean we tell our problems it's just that we don't like showing our tears. Okay... This is too emo for me... gotta cheer up!

I'll smile for my mom now!

Back to myself^^

I'm a happy kid alright~ Chiao!



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watwotwut #1
awww... Always be supportive of your family though! :)
Its okay to cry but being stron is the best. When you're upst about something, cry only once and move on! :)
13seconds #3
Cheer up! Everything's going to be alright. :)
It'll be okay. After the clouds fade the sun will aways be there to welcome you!!!
TheMissMRseven #5
Don't be sad! Pease stay strong! :'(
After bad times always comes good times...so just wait and everything will get well soon
stay strong <3
if you wanna talk.... I come from a messed up family and I've dealt with it quite well so um yeah, feel free to PM me or whatever :)