
Hello~ I'm back again with my crappy talks^___~ So... Did you guys watched and enjoyed MAMA?! Lol, I did>___<

For some reason I didn't want to watch yesterday But, I couldn't resist but watch it! Hihi... Okay, I'm going to say that everyone won that night...

Not going to talk about MAMA anymore...

Today, I'm going to my grandma's house and I'll be meeting my cousins... AGAIN!

Because I don't have any siblings, my cousins are like my real siblings. I meet them almost every day and they annoy me greatly but I LOVE THEM! Hihi... One of my cousin, a boy, I think I spoil him too much:/ but hey, he's a cool dude.

Since I'm the only child, I love talking to myself. It's kind of fun but my mom told me to stop because I seriously look crazy. BUT IT'S FUN! Ugh... My imaginary friends would be sad if they heard my mom telling me to stop talking to them... Lol, I seriously sound crazy and lonely right now... Keke~

I wanna write and update my story but it's like my head is blocked. I can't write anything even though I have the idea. No matter what I write down, it sounds so... ugh... I can't seem to write down my ideas and seriously I feel frustrated. Why... Why... Why...

I'm going to go now before I write down something that is more insane or inappropriate... bye guys... I'll rant more later:/ Peace out!





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I just finished watching MAMA like 5 minutes ago. I live on the West Coast so I wasn't able to watch it live or else I would have been up until 4am before I had to be at school at 7.
watwotwut #2
I STILL haven't got the chance to watch MAMA yet!!! :'( But I know who won... :)
I talk to myself to... Cos it's lonely walking to school by yourself... But sometimes I'm just lip-syncing to music from my earphones and I can just see everyone backing away from me slightly XD
BTW, where do you get the GIFs? They're awesome!!! ^^
13seconds #3
Ahaha I really love the gifs you used there. I only enjoyed the part where EXO appeared though OTL.
I think people are confused here. Busker Busker won best new male artist and exo won best new ASIAN artist. They are two different awards but somewhat similar.
actually BAP and EXO didn't win the best newcomer. it was busker busker. heh...
Actually BAP are the FIRST ROOKIE GROUP to ever win the Mnet PD Choice Award. The previous four winners were all well established artists who had been in the music industry for around 10 to 20 years previous to the award. So I think it such a great honor for BAP to win this award...
I did watch it...............................
And yeah..................................
EXO won? I thought Busker Busker won, LOL. I heard Exo and B.A.P. were disqualified because of cheating. >-> I didn't watch MAMA yet, but I saw who won what though.. >__< And I'm thinking of not watching MAMA, since I don't really like it this year a lot because they added SM. (I dislike SM, the company, not the groups. :P)