
I cried so much last night. Now I am so guilty..... 


I was busted. They know. They know what I was planning to do. We had the most biggest fight and affected everyone. I got my soulmate fired. I can't believe they would drag personal problems into their business. It's all my fault. I just can't believe this is happened. HOw they found out? Going through my phone once again.  I really don't care about the whole going through my phone and them finding out, but they fired my best friend. My mom fired her because if she was my best friend, she would've let my mom know of my intentions and not help me. Well, she got it all wrong. She's my best friend not hers. She doesn't have to tell my mom anything. I chose to move out and ask for her help and as a best friend she would either support me or made sure if I am certain I want to do this and give me advice. And she did all of that. But made my decision to move out. Not her.

I planned on telling them today, that i planned on moving out as soon as i have a job and save up enough money, but they found out too early and now I ed up everything. I ruined my best friend's job. I caused her to get fired. I just don't know what to do. If my mom plan on being a about it, I'm telling her to stop being so unprofessional in her business, you can't fire someone just because of personal business. I don't feel any better when my best friend she don't care if she got fired, because that just makes me get more upset and guilty.  It's not easy getting a job. That's why I'm struggling to find one.

There is more that happened last night but I'll save the details later. The important matter right now is that my friend has a flu and she's fired. All because of me and I ucked it up badly. I feel so bad and I have no idea what to do at this point. 



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good friends are hard to find
parents try to look after their kids

I hope everything will work out in the end
Oh wow...I'm completely sorry to hear that. And it's true. It's against professional etiquette to fire someone on a personal basis rather than something that's actually stated in the company policies. But if it's one thing, life will get your mother back -- the world is a cycle, after all.