Okay, I don't know why I decided to share this but here goes. Today, I was out shopping at a mall with my mom and older brother, So we went into the Pac Sun and I saw all these cute shirts and jeans and stuff in the girl section,. So I was all like "oh! this shirt's cute!" So there I am going through all the shirts to try on when eventually I found something close enough, So I go and try it on AND OF COURSE IT WAS TOO SMALL! DX And I found like, these really awesome jeans BUT OF COURSE THE ONLY SIZES AVAILABLE WERE EITHER EXTRA SMALL. SMALL, or MEDIUM! I'm telling you, it was such a disappontment. So I only got to get two shirts and a pair of jeans since it was closing : (


Haha well, there you have the random story of the day from me! ^ ^


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Omg I went to a store in the mall and grabbed like half of the clothes in the store then got to te dressing room and ALL of them were too small -.- then the lady outside of the dressing room was like "you don't want any of them?" I couldn't decide if I wanted to punch her or just cry TT.TT and I weigh like 160 which I don't think is extremely overweight (but still overweight). Why the hell are all clothes only for anorexic people?!?!?! >:-(
ChadsterT-rex #2
Hahhahahahahaha!!! Thats so funny!! But really, stop eating late at night and u will be ok!! I lost like 10 ponds when i did that, but when u have a busy life, so i understand!!
I feel you!! That happens to me ALLLL the time. and my bestfriend i always go shoppinf with is shaped Perfect soo I feel like a TOTAL losssser XD
And here you go again complaining lol <br />
Well as I always say: poor you u.u<br />
Hahahaha all I can say is: clothing marketing is in aliance with skinny girls! Lets burn them! <br />
Hhahahahahahaha well no, but it sounds funny XDDDD