Worst Day Ever

So today was the worst. Plain and simple it was the worst day ever imaginable and I don't know how I'm not crying right now.

I'm so frustrated; I want to cry but i can't because my parents will ask me why and if I tell them, they would just get mad.

I fractured my foot, so I'm wearing a cast. Therefore, I can't dance for the next six weeks, resulting in me not attending the concert at my school.

I got a lecture from my brother today about homework and the importance of studying. It would be heartful and encouraging, had it not been the upteenth time he's talked to me about it.

I missed the deadline for pre-orders at HallyuCon, so I can't guarentee now that I will get that EXO shirt, keychain, Super Junior poster, and/or photocards. This was because I listened to my parents about waiting until today to reserve merchandise. I told my father about this and he yelled at me saying it was my fault.

Then I talked to my mother about writing a note as to why I was absent at school today, she snapped and said that she told me to ask my doctor to write one. I hadn't remembered to she told me to write one myself for her to sign. I limped all the way to basement, in my walker boot, typed it up and went back upstairs. 

Great day (week actually but this would be a mile long as to describe my bad luck).

And I still have school tomorrow.



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awww, it's okay, we all have off days (or weeks)
I mean, I've been feeling replaced lately but listening to kpop really helps a ton.
Just know that you're not alone!!^^

Oh & you're going to the hallyucon? OMG SO AM I :D
I feel bad that your day was so horrible. /hugs/
I know you didn't have the best day but don't think so bad about tomorrow. Tomorrow is a new day and if you feel bad about it from now, then it won't turn out good. I'm cheering you on