High Score High School [My Application]

Contact Info-

AFF username: Miss_Dummie

Link to profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/51750


Character info-

Name: Park ChoHee

Nickname(s): Cho or Chee

Age: 15

Grade at school: 1st year

Birthday: September 24th, 1996

Ethnicity: Korean-Taiwanese-American


- to be myself at all times

- cooking

- fighting

- to try new things

- reading

- writing stories

Dislikes: [5+]

- peoples who messes around with me and/or my heart

- lairs

- players

- cheaters

- going shopping [I just find it worthless but when I'm bore I do go and I only go for grceroy shopping]

- getting in trouble

Habits: [3+]

- I sleep more better with guy clothes [shorts and shirt]

- I get into fight first thing in the morning [sometimes]

- I sleep around 8-11pm I wake up around 5-7am no matter how late I sleep [the latest I usually sleep is around 12-4 am] I still wake up at my usual time]

- whenever I go shopping with someone I have to cling onto that person because my eyes will not be lookin directly at where I'm walking at [I would cling onto a person I know]

- whenever she's bored she would write a random story or read

Hobbies: [3+]

- playing the piano, gutair and drums

- reading

- being on the laptop or any electronics [ipod, iphone, ipad, etc...]

- fighting 

Fears: [1+]

- Ghost

- Sometimes she is scared of hights

Trivia: [3+]

- favorite color: black and red

- favortie food: Sushi [any kind]

- blood type: AB


- right in the middle of being and guy or a girl [in the middle of being a tomboy and girly-girl]

- child-ish

- honest

- responsible

- harsh [at times]

- mean and cold [at times]

- nice

- shy

- warm hearted

- lovely

- quiet

- blushes very easliy

- strong

- over-protective [at times]

- caring

- can never bear seeing her youngsters get hurt

Background: [tragic pasts are okay, but don’t go crazy]

I was born in Fresno, California. My dad is Korean-American and my mom is Korean-Taiwanese. We lived in Fresno for at leas 20 years[10 years old me] then we went back to Korea and lived ther for 5 years[now 15 years old me]. I learn fast so I learned alot about my Korean side. And now Iam curently thinking of going to Taiwan to learn about my Tawainese side. My younger sister has always wanted to go to W.A.T.T. she has been very curious about that school. I got in and she wants to change schools with me?!?! NO! It's for her condition! I woun't let her go cause she's too young to be going. 

- my dad hit my younger sister for destorying his project for work but I went to save my little sister by getting hurt for her

- my brother hit my sister-in-law for losing his wallet but I went ahead and helped her and got hit by him a couple times as I was looking for it [the wallet was in his pocket at ALL times]



Appearance: [description & 3+ links of the same ulzzang/model]




- cute

- curly brown hair

- looks very child-ish

Name of the ulzzang/model: Lee Eun Ji

Style: [description & links]





http://www.houseofdesignblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/10SPR_TeenGirls_Outfits_3-530x490.jpg [just imagine this one NOT wrinkly]



I like to wear plain/simple clothes. Like just jeans with a plain shirt. But whenever I don't have anymore clothes that I like to wear anymore then I will force herself to wear girly-girl clothes. I ONLY put black eyeliner and not really anything else but chapstick and black eyeliner. I hate it when I wastes all my money on stupid make-up. I would sometimes wear a big guy shirt with guy shorts and it actually fits me just right.



Family members: [age, name, personality, your relationship]

Park Dong-Min - 46 years-old; he can be mean and violent at times but he's mostly nice; Dad

Park SunHye - 45 years-old; very nice and caring; Mom

Park HyunSu - 22 years-old; nice, violent [at times] and over-protective (mostly of his kids); Older Brother

Park JinAe [Jin] - 21 years-old; nice, loving and gentle; Sister-In-Law

Park YunHee [Yunnie] - 10 years-old; very nice, child-ish and innocent; Younger Sister

Park Hana - 4 years old; spoiled by her dad; Niece

Park ChinHo - 2 years-old; spoiled by his mom; Nephew

Friends: [same as above]

My only friend Baek ChunHee.

Partner: [can be anyone, mention group & age, give me your top 3]

- Key [SHINee] 17 [real age is 19 I just wanted to change it to 17]

- Minho [SHINee] 17 [real age is 19 I just wanted to change it to 17]

- Nichkhun [2PM] 18 [real age is 23 I just wanted to change it to 18]

His personality:

- a guy who cares about mostly himself

- never thought of falling in love

- not like those romanctic-y guys

- harsh

- a ert

- more of a gangster

- likes to start a move first

- hates it whenever it's quiet

- hates the school hes in right now (W.A.T.T.)

- likes making trouble but loves it even more if it's even BIGGER trouble

- drinks (beer, wine, etc...)

His criminal record: [BE CREATIVE]

- he stole MANY cars (the last car he ever stole was a police car)

- he beated up many guys

- he almost beated 3 guys to death

- he's a gangster

- he killed at least 5 guys and no one knows about it til now

- he a girl



Your strongest subject: Math

Your weakest subject: Science or Social Studies

Your attitude towards your new school: [like it, hate it, interested? etc.] 

I thought it would be really boring and I always wanted to know how bad boy acts. Even I act bad, but only when ever I want to, but I'm usually the nice, caring and over-protictive me! :D

Persona: [how you want to be known in the school; ice princess etc.] Unknown



Something I forgot: [optional]

Ideas: [please?] Sorry I've got nothing but I was thinking that this story could be a action-adventure, shooting, and escaping[escaping from W.A.T.T. because it's a bad school(?) idk]. Somthing like that. :DDD

Scenes you want to have with your partner: [2+] 

- he locked me in a storeage with him and he tried to me until he noticed how scared I was and just kissed me on the forehead instead and letted me go and I didn't report it to the police or whatever

- holding each others hands tightly running into the woods ecaping from W.A.T.T. but then they somehow shot his leg so he couldn't run anymore he was telling me to go but I couldn't just leave him here alone in W.A.T.T. and I knew I would have died if I kept running

- one random day my and him went shopping togeter and cause of my habit I was clinging onto his arm sometimes my head would be laying on his shoulder.

Password: WeAreTheTop


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